Why worry?…asks Rabbi Michoel Gourarie

May 24, 2013 by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
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I worry a lot. I am anxious about losing my job, I constantly think about the health of my family and am always scared about saying or doing something that will embarrass myself. How can I put a stop to this?

Responsible people learn from the past and plan for the future. Learning from successes and failures of yesterday helps us make better decisions for tomorrow.

Rabbi Michoel Gourarie

Rabbi Michoel Gourarie

But we don’t control the future and certainly cannot undo the past. Fundamental to Jewish faith is that everything happens by Divine providence. Only G-d is in complete control and knows what is best for us. Although we make responsible decisions about the future, it often ends up looking very different than our original plan.

The only thing that a human can control is how to respond to the present. We can choose to enjoy our blessings, give meaning to life’s experiences and turn current challenges into opportunities.

A constant feeling of anger or guilt about what has happened is to be stuck in the unchangeable past. Worrying about everything that could happen is living in the uncertain future. A fulfilled and happy existence can come only by living in the present and filling it with meaning and purpose.

A wise sage once said:

The past is no longer

The future has not yet arrived

The present is only a split second

So why worry?

Learn from the past and plan for the future, but live in the present.

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