Two-state solution is not a solution to end Jewish-Arab conflict
The international community jetted off on a fool’s errand to Norway on 15 January for the third meeting of the Global Alliance for the Implementation of the Two-State solution (Global Alliance) – created in September last year on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.
The Global Alliance is co-hosted by European Union High Representative Josep Borrell, Norway and the Ministerial Arab League/Organization of Islamic Cooperation Contact Group on Gaza – and presided over by Prince Faisal – the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia.
90 of the 193 United Nations member states attended the initial Global Alliance meeting, deciding to advance among other objectives:
“an irreversible path of joint efforts and concrete measures in support of and enabling and implementing the Two-State Solution with a clear timeline.”
Their meetings would focus on:
“United Nations Security Council resolutions and related peace efforts, all within the framework of the Two-State Solution … A core element of these efforts is the establishment of a Palestinian State, living side by side in peace and security with Israel”
The third meeting in Oslo was a useless exercise for one reason: Israel will not agree to the creation of such a State in addition to Jordan – which already occupies 78% of former Palestine located east of the Jordan River.
The Knesset – Israel’s Parliament – overwhelmingly rejected the establishment of such a State west of the Jordan River on 18 July 2024 by 68 votes to 9 – declaring:
“The establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of the Land of Israel would pose an existential danger to the State of Israel and its citizens”
The right of the Jewish people to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in the 22% of former Palestine located west of the Jordan River had been granted by articles 6 and 25 of the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine – preserved until today by article 80 of the United Nations Charter.
The Global Alliance was bashing its collective head against a brick wall when the Chairman – Norway’s Foreign Minister Espin Barth Eide in a report:
“stressed the importance of the Palestinian government assuming responsibility in Gaza and recalled that United Nations Security Council Resolution 2735 stressed the importance of reunifying the Gaza Strip with the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority.”
Resolution 2735 had been drafted by the Biden-Harris administration and adopted by the Security Council on 10 June 2024 – a cosy and collusive solution that is dead in the water.
The Global Alliance needs to look at a revolutionary solution to end the Jewish-Arab conflict – the Saudi-based Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution (HKOPS) – authored by Ali Shihabi – an advisor to Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salman – and published in the Saudi Government-controlled Al Arabiya News on 8 June 2022.
HKOPS calls for:
- Jordan, Gaza and part of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) to be merged into one new territorial entity – “The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine” – to be governedby Jordan – not Hamas or the Palestinian Authority
- Can be expeditiously implemented by redrawing the existing international border between Jordan and Israel
For reasons unexplained HKOPS has never been mentioned once in the UN General Assembly or Security Council since its publication in 2022.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Tor Wennesland – Guterres’ personal choice as his new Special Coordinator for the Middle East Process and Personal Representative to the Palestinian Liberation Organisation and the Palestinian Authority – are hopelessly conflicted in failing to mention HKOPS once in their mandated reports.
The Global Alliance – in pushing for the failed two-state solution – first proposed in 1937 – is on an irreversible path to nowhere.
Please join my Facebook Page: “Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine supporters”
Author’s note: The cartoon — commissioned exclusively by the author — is by Yaakov Kirschen aka “Dry Bones”- one of Israel’s foremost political and social commentators — whose cartoons have graced the columns of Israeli and international media publications for decades
David Singer is a Sydney lawyer and a foundation member of the International Analysts Network
The train is patiently waiting at the station hopefully for an important passenger to hop aboard – President Trump. Pity you won’t be on that train – you had your chance and blew it.
While groups like the Global Alliance and the United Nations keep pushing the failed two-state solution every week – a solution that has gone nowhere since first being proposed by the Peel Commission in 1937 – I will continue to advocate for the 2022 Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution which offers the best solution ever presented in my opinion for ending the Jewish-Arab conflict.
Instead of whingeing and whining – why don’t you tell us what you see as the solution to end this conflict?
John Lazarus
All the best in your efforts – but I think you are truly wasting your time if you believe your Nirvana-inspired solution can ever be attained.
The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution offers the promise of two states – Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine – one Jewish occupying about 20% of former Palestine, one Arab occupying about the remaining 80%.
This solution can be achieved by drawing a new international border between Israel and Jordan. It can happen very quickly and hopefully see an end to the Jewish-Arab conflict.
Byron should take a look at this solution and back it wholeheartedly.
Have a little respect Ben……for both the editor and David Singer.
You”re fortunate YOUR comments are repeated with nothing new.
How about it?
What are you smoking? Your “peace” train left the station a long time ago.
dear ED
a pity you keep reprinting the same article every week. nothing new from Mr. Singer.
Up here in Byron we’ve started a peace group called Palesrael to promote a One Country of Three States – Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, within the present borders of Israel: a federation of States with State elected State govts in Tel Aviv, Ramallah and Gaza, with Jerusalem as their shared capital (like Australia and the US). On the basis that it would cede dominant political governance from the Israeli Govt to more representative governance to the States under a Federal system. It will need the Israeli and Palestinian populations to politically exclude the extremists on both sides. Irrespective
of what eventuates, Israelis and Palestinians will be living together or in neighboring countries, and peace is the only final resolution. Part of what the Palesrael crew will be doing is to suport those Palestinians and Israelis that are working together for peace.