Scott Morrison addresses UIA Major Donors
Australian Prime Minister was the keynote speaker at the UIA Major Donors function in Sydney tonight.

Lance Rosenberg, Andrew Boyarsky, Steven Lowy, Esther Frenkiel, Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Yair Miller
The function was held in Sydney’s Randwick but was also attended by major donors from Melbourne and Perth
A highlight of his speech was when he said: “There’s another Jewish leader who’s also influenced me in recent times, and on this occasion it was Josh Frydenberg thrusting a book into my hand. And I know he’s had a big impact on Josh and I know, I would say everybody in this room. And that’s the Holocaust survivor 101-year-old Eddie Jaku.
Eddie’s book “The Happiest Man on Earth” is a gift to us. I think he’s taking the title of what I might have called my book sometime. But it is a great gift to Australia. He is a great gift to Australia.
The book is a love letter to this country and I thank those of you who have come up to me tonight. As Prime Minister, not me personally, but just representing the Australian nation and saying your thanks to what Australia has meant to you and your family.
Of course Eddie’s story is harrowing but it’s also hopeful. Of life in the Nazi concentration camps. Of surviving Auschwitz, Buchenwald and the Holocaust. And of course, losing his family. But never losing his faith in humanity. Finding friendship even amongst the absolute ruins.
And after the end of the War, Eddie found a home here in Australia where he was welcomed with open arms, as so many of you or your family have been.
Many of you know Eddie, because he’s guided tens of thousands of people through the Sydney Jewish Museum. Eddie says of our country, a land where opportunities abound. And it is.
Julian Leeser has made the wonderful point that Australia is one of the few places on earth where Jewish people have not suffered persecution.
We’re not perfect, no country is, but we do have much to be proud of. We are a liberal, free people, one of the oldest continuous democracies on the planet. We have an Indigenous heritage and a rich multicultural character, both adding a brilliance and joy to our national life and character. We seek to be a good neighbour in our family here in the Pacific, and a good citizen in the world, playing our part, doing our share of the heavy lifting, meeting global challenges. We stand as a sovereign and free nation in an increasingly uncertain part of the world. We value and strive to preserve a liberal world order where the strategic balance favours freedom, always.”
He added: “And we stand by with like-minded friends, such as the Jewish people and the State of Israel, who is a great friend to Australia and we are a true friend of Israel. A country that is sovereign, that is independent and free. A modern state, born anew in an ancient homeland.”
His address:
Chairman Keren Hayesod-UIA World Board of Trustees Steven Lowy added: “I am so proud that as one of the four founding institutions of Israel, Keren Hayesod has played such an important role in Israel’s establishment and foundation and continues to play its role in sustaining and nurturing Israel to help it thrive and prosper. President Rivlin said on many occasions ‘without Keren Hayesod there would be no Israel,’”