On the other hand
Would you get into a stranger’s car if they offered you a ride?
In virtually every country in the world, the response would be negative.
Israel, it seems, might be the sole exception, and my recent experience proves it. Walking home from our local shopping centre usually takes no longer than ten minutes. However, with the soaring summer temperatures being experienced at the moment, my progress was slower than usual. I had hardly got more than halfway when a car pulled up, and the lady driver offered me a ride. Despite telling her that I was nearly home, she insisted that owing to the heat, I should “get in” and anyway, it was a mitzvah to help the “elderly.”
Rather than turn down her opportunity for doing a good deed, I complied, and this complete stranger transported me in air-conditioned comfort to my destination.
Another example of a unique experience of living in Israel.
Watch this unbelievable performance by an Israeli dog trainer and her canine partner as they wow the judges and audience in “America’s Got Talent” show.

Unbelievable as it may seem there are indeed some Muslims who have not been seduced by the lies they have been exposed to.

The media highlights conflicts between Charedi and secular Israelis.
Generally ignored are the very many personal interactions taking place between these two sectors of Israeli society. They point the way to how mutual respect and tolerance and indeed friendships are developing.