Leifer applies for bail

September 26, 2019 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The day after Rosh Hashana, the case to extradite Malka Leifer who is wanted in Australia to face 74 charges of child sexual abuse, will be in a Jerusalem court again as her lawyers apply for bail.

Malka Leifer in court June 14 Photo: Hillel Maeir/TPS

Leifer has been incarcerated since February 2018 for allegedly feigning her illness. In over one and a half years, Leifer has still not been charged with anything.

One of her alleged victims Nicole Meyer, said: “We are very stressed and anxious about the upcoming bail due to the most recent hearing, and really hope that she will remain in custody until she is brought back to Australia.”

Child sexual abuse advocate Manny Waks added: “From my perspective, Leifer must be either in jail or in a medical facility until she is able to face justice – this will also provide some semblance of comfort to her alleged victims, as well as ensure the increased safety of Israeli children.”

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