Kosher Meals on Wheels in Sydney gets $5,000 grant from state government
Sydney’s COA has benefitted from a NSW Government COVID-19 Community Support Grant Program which provides assistance for basic necessities like food, transport and language support for vulnerable people.

Kosher Meals on Wheels being sent out using COA’s activity centre now converted into a food distribution centre:
NSW State MP for Vaucluse Gabrielle Upton said, “These grants are just another way the NSW Government is looking out for the community and I’m glad to announce that COA (Connections, Opportunities, Activities) Sydney, Woollahra is a beneficiary of this program.
“COA Sydney will receive $5,000 to support their Kosher Meals on Wheels program for which demand has grown steeply over the last few months due to COVID-19. Strong communities support each other through challenges and this funding will enable COA to continue to help the most vulnerable in our local community.”
CEO of COA Sydney, Rachel Tanny said, “COA Sydney provides the only Kosher Meals on Wheels service in NSW and we believe that no person should ever go hungry on account of their religious beliefs or cultural practices, which is why we subsidise the cost of every meal we deliver.
“Since the COVID-19 pandemic set in, we have seen a demand for our food services more than triple so this funding will make a big difference to us and help us to continue deliver the services seniors and the disabled in our community need.”
Acting Minister for Multiculturalism Geoff Lee said the funding will provide critical support. “The COVID-19 pandemic and measures to control its spread have presented significant challenges to our multicultural communities,” Mr Lee said.
“The NSW Government understands this and is determined to support communities to provide basic necessities to the people who need it the most.”