Israel chips in $20,000 for flood victims
On behalf of the State of Israel, the Embassy of Israel in Australia has donated $20,000 to not-for-profit organisation GIVIT for its Severe Storms and Flooding Appeal.

Caroline Odgers receives the cheque from Jonathan Peled
The money will be used by GIVIT to help people and communities affected by severe storms and flooding in New South Wales and Queensland.
GIVIT is working closely with the New South Wales and Queensland Governments to assist people and communities affected by floods by managing donations of money, items, services and volunteering during recovery via the Severe Storms and Flooding Appeal.
100% of donated money received for the Severe Storms and Flooding Appeal will be used to purchase essential items and services, and wherever possible GIVIT purchases locally to support local businesses and the economic recovery of affected communities.
Jonathan Peled The Interim Ambassador at the Embassy of Israel Jonathan Peled said: “In solidarity with the people of News South Wales and Queensland who have suffered so much because of the recent floods, the Embassy of Israel is pleased to be able to lend a helping hand to alleviate slightly the suffering of these people and communities, with a donation towards ensuring a speedy recovery for those affected so they may soon return home. We thank the NGO GIVIT for funnelling our donation and for their help and support for all victims of recent flooding.”
GIVIT Regional Manager for the ACT and SE NSW Caroline Odgers added: “With the generous support of the Israeli Embassy, we will be able to meet the immediate needs of the communities. We will be able to buy a gift card for a resident who is struggling to make ends meet, and mattresses for a family so they can sleep safely. Donations like these mean the world to these impacted communities, as they have experienced unimaginable grief.”
An embassy spokesperson said: “This is another testament to the great friendship Australia and Israel share.”