‘Hero’ reservist soldier killed Palestinian gunman

February 23, 2024 by Pesach Benson
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A 23-year-old Israeli army reservist who recently returned from fighting in the Gaza Strip shot and killed one of the three Palestinian terrorists who opened fire on a checkpoint north of Jerusalem on Thursday morning.

The scene of a shooting attack at a checkpoint north of Jerusalem on Feb. 22, 2024. Photo by Yoav Dudkevitch/TPS

Hananya Ben Shimon, who was part of a tank crew fighting in Gaza, was sitting in a car with his mother at a checkpoint north of Jerusalem near Maale Adumim when three Palestinians began shooting at the cars stuck in the queue’s traffic. One Israeli man was killed and 11 others injured.

Ben Shimon works as a tour group security guard and was carrying a pistol belonging to his employer. He fired at one of the terrorists, killing him. During the incident, Ben Shimon was hit in the stomach and leg by bullets. He was evacuated for treatment and is now in moderate condition at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Centre.

“He has a long rehabilitation ahead of him, but we’re glad he got out alive. And it’s clear to us that he’s a hero,” said his father, Arik Ben Shimon.

Security personnel at the checkpoint killed the second terrorist. A third terrorist was shot and injured when he tried to flee the scene.

Killed in the attack was Matan Elmaliach, a 26-year-old resident of nearby Maale Adumim. Elmaliach is survived by his parents, one brother and two sisters.

Among the 11 injured was a 23-year-old pregnant woman.

The Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) identified the terrorists as 31-year-old Kadam Zuahara, his 26-year-old brother Muhammad, and 31-year-old Ahmed Alohash. All are from Za’atara, a town near Bethlehem. Police said they were armed with assault rifles and Carlo rifles. One of the terrorists was also carrying a grenade.

Kadam was previously imprisoned for staying illegally in Israel.

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