Henry Greener meets an outback rabbi
Ari Rubin is an Outback Rabbi, based in Cairns, where his congregation is a central focus of all the people living in North Queensland can find help with their Jewish needs.

Henry Greener and Rabbi Ari Ruben
With his wife Mushkie and 3 young children, Ari has since 2016 established a now thriving community centre where religious services, Shabbat dinners, child care, shiurim and any advice for locals. tourists and backpackers to connect. Ari, Mushkie, Yosi and Malka Rodal and Sol with Beverly Spigel were part of an SBS Documentary made by Danny Ben-Moshe called “Outback Rabbis”, featuring RARA, a Chabad organisation, initiated long ago by the Spiglers, to provide Jewish services to those living in Rural and Regional Australia. Recently Rabbi Mendel and Esti Khurtaretski have joined RARA on the Sunshine Coast and beyond, as well as Rabbi Menachem and Shevi Aron who have joined the mission to find and help Jews in the Outback!
Details can be found at www.chabadnorthqueensland.com