Boris Johnson: Israel’s sovereignty plan breaches international law
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Tuesday that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s plan to apply Israeli sovereignty to the Jordan Valley, and parts of Judea and Samaria, constitutes a violation of international law.

Boris Johnson. Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Responding to a question from a member of parliament from his own Conservative Party during the weekly Prime Minister’s Question Time, Johnson said: “I believe that what is proposed by Israel would amount to a breach of international law, and we strongly object to it, and we believe profoundly in a two-state solution and will continue to make that case.”
When pressed by MP Crispin Blunt as to whether there would be sanctions against Israel should it move forward with its sovereignty plan, the prime minister was noncommittal.
Blunt was one of 130 British parliamentarians who signed a letter to Johnson in May urging him to impose sanctions on Israel if it moved ahead with its sovereignty plan.
The initiative was organized by the Council for Arab British Understanding and claimed that the plan was “as a mortal blow to the chances of peace between Israelis and Palestinians based on any viable two-state solution.”
On 29 October 2017 Boris Johnson wrote:
“I have no doubt that the only viable solution to the conflict resembles the one first set down on paper by another Briton, Lord Peel, in the report of the Royal Commission on Palestine in 1937, and that is the vision of two states for two peoples.”
The Peel Commission envisaged:
“two sovereign independent States would be established-the one an Arab State, consisting of Trans-Jordan united with that part of Palestine which lies to the east and south of a frontier such as we suggest in Section 3 below; the other a Jewish State consisting of that part of Palestine which lies to the north and west of that frontier.”
This still remains the only attainable two-state solution in 2020: Jordan and Israel – 2 states for 2 peoples – the Arabs and the Jews – as proposed by the Peel Commission – and also by art. 25 the Mandate for Palestine – not 3 states – as proposed by the UN, EU and Trump Plan. Can be achieved by Israel and Jordan redrawing new international border between their two respective States.
The mantra of “illegal” is baseless, but the zeal for appeasing the forces of darkness is real and blatant.