All signs point to democratic societies and countries having no idea of what should be done to thwart impending chaos.

Michael Kuttner
The multi-million dollar pier constructed by the Americans on the coast of Gaza is symbolic of the physical and moral drift now sweeping the globe.
Erected amidst much fanfare and launched with grandiose promises of facilitating aid, this so called wondrous piece of engineering disintegrated in the face of rough seas. It became unmoored with some parts floating off and ending up on the beach of southern Israel. Patched together several times it defied all efforts to remain anchored and has now been permanently dismantled.
This farcical exercise not only highlights the USA’s current incompetence but also symbolizes the extent to which the so-called leader of the “free and democratic” world is totally adrift when it comes to confronting the critical challenges menacing all freedom-loving people at present.
As Washington flounders and flails over Israel and the Ukraine one must wonder what is in store for Taiwan and South Korea. The toxic mix of incompetence, White House elder abuse and deranged anti-Trump syndromes now on full display in the USA has already yielded its inevitable crop of violence. No wonder the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans and Iranians are plotting their next assaults on democracy and human rights.
The continuing obsession with Israel is a stark contrast to a lack of strong response to naked aggression in other parts of the world.
Did anyone by any chance notice that at the emergency session of the UN Security Council after a Russian missile hit the Ukrainian children’s hospital it was the Russian ambassador who chaired this gathering? After the usual venting of outrage by other countries and denial of culpability by the Russians did any meaningful action follow?
Has anyone noticed mass demonstrations at universities by outraged mobs over this targeting of child cancer patients?
How many of those currently defacing buildings and screaming anti Israel and anti Jewish slogans are demanding sanctions against Russia?
Has anyone heard threats by the UN Human Rights Council, the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice to indict those responsible?
There has been a shameful silence, apart from an initial expression of alarm by some democracies.
Contrast all this with the continual daily frenzy and obsession over Israel’s campaign to defeat Hamas and its murderous allies. Daily missile barrages from Hezbollah merely elicit dire warnings should Israel dare to contemplate any sort of retaliation.
The British Foreign Secretary has just paid an official visit to Israel as well as making a pilgrimage to Ramallah where he assured Abbas of the United Kingdom’s undying support for the establishment of a terror supporting state in Israel’s heartland.
True to form and acting as though the British are still the mandatory power, the Foreign Minister demanded that Israel cease the war against Hamas terror and stop “settlements” including in the eastern part of our Capital. For good measure he also warned Israel not to react in any meaningful manner against the daily missile attacks from Lebanon.
The extent to which the USA, UK, France and other democracies have drifted from any sort of rational response to lethal aggression can be deduced by comparing their appeasement with pre 1939 policies. Those who counseled Churchill to surrender to Nazi terror learnt that this was not going to happen. President Roosevelt never had the chutzpah to tell Churchill that if he fought back he would be on his own. The USA may have been late in helping but eventually, almost too late, they did. Contrast that with Biden’s reported response to Netanyahu that if Israel dares to retaliate against Iranian plans to eradicate it, the USA will bail out and Israel will be on its own.
Anything more adrift would be hard to imagine.
It has been reported that USAID is sending another US$100 million to the Palestinian Arabs. Has anyone heard a demand that Abbas and his kleptomaniac colleagues immediately cease paying millions to murderers of Israelis and life long stipends to incarcerated terrorists and their families?
Amidst all the hot air over a “reformed and revitalized” Palestinian Authority these terror payments never feature.
Israel is commanded to accede to the creation of Palestine which miraculously will turn out to be a model democracy, respecting human rights and exuding tolerance of faiths other than Islam. No such Arab entity exists and as the daily outpouring of hate from Ramallah proves, it makes a mockery of any “reformed” PLO/Fatah/PA governance. Moreover, as the Communist Chinese are working overtime trying to unite Hamas and the PA the prognosis is the opposite of what the snake oil salespeople are trying to sell.
A report from World Israel News (WIN) exposes the thinking of radical Islam and what can be expected as jihadist radicals gain more control not only in the Middle East but also in Europe, the UK and indeed elsewhere. An Imam in Europe, in an address to the faithful, explained in very clear language what can be expected.
“The law of Allah is superior to your laws. Sharia law is the ruling law on earth whereas democracy is a man made legal system and therefore invalid.”
This definition of democracy has already become the accepted dogma in many Arab countries. How long will it take for it to swamp the electoral process in western countries? Based on current trends and pathetically weak woke responses on display the inevitable surrender will not take too long.
In France, Jews are faced with the haters of the extreme left, a gutless center and unlikely supporters of Israel on the extreme right. The country has already been lost to jihadist violence and intimidation of Jews and it is doubtful if viable Jewish communities will in the not too distant future be able to flourish again.
Scandinavia is not far behind with the majority of Swedish Jews in Malmo already hounded out of that city and Norway embracing Hamas and anti Israel rhetoric.
German Jews face increasing Islamic violence as well as a growing antipathy from leftist haters and recycled fascist fanatics.
As the American election frenzy heats up, Jews in the once “goldene medina” face unpalatable choices. In a system which gives only two political parties any chance of success, Jews are faced with some conflicting choices.
The majority of Jews have always voted for the Democratic Party even though it was this party which represented the segregationists in the south. Today it is slowly but surely being taken over by progressive extreme left supporters of Islamic terror and knee jerk deniers of Jewish sovereignty in their ancient homeland. Some genetic Jewish Democrats still venerate FDR even though his administration barred Jews fleeing Nazi Europe from entering the USA.
The Republicans have a troubling history of isolationism and flirting with extreme right conspiracy nut cases. However, times have changed and these days this party is pro Israel and anti terror.
This week Joe Biden proudly declared “I am a Zionist.”
He then added that “I have done more for the Palestinians than anyone else. I have given Israel only defensive weapons and banned offensive weapons.”
Trying to bolster his “Zionist” credentials Biden went on to claim that “if it wasn’t for Israel every Jew in the world would be at risk. After World War Two it was important for Jews to have a place that was their own.”
Prospective Jewish voters need to ask him the following questions:
How has doing more for the fake Palestinians brought peace any closer?
Have Iranian genocidal aims made Jews safer by denying Israel certain weapons?
What sort of a Zionist are you when your administration released millions of dollars to the Iranian regime? Why have you made it clear that Israel cannot count on American support if it takes out Hezbollah and Iran?
Finally but very importantly what sort of a Zionist are you when you fail to acknowledge the three thousand year connection between Jews and the Land of Israel? Having a place of their own is precisely because of Jewish historical reality and not because the UN had a guilty conscience.
If ever one needed a more glaring example of being adrift this is it.