A Pesach message from Alex Hawke
Alex Hawke is the Australian Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs.

Alex Hawke
I send my warmest greetings to all Australians celebrating Passover.
Challenges like those we have faced this past year give festivals such as Passover even greater meaning.
Passover’s enduring message of the power of courage and faith in the face of adversity is more important than ever. It is a story that continues to be a source of hope and inspiration for people over the world, and it encourages us to look to the future with optimism.
As you join the millions of people of Jewish faith around the world in sitting around the Seder table, I hope it is full of the joy of family and community.
Passover is an important part of the rich calendar of festivals and celebrations that enliven our nation. I thank the Jewish community for all your contributions to Australia and for the strength, resilience and community spirit you have shown when rising to the challenges of your time.
I wish you a joyful Passover celebration and good health and happiness.
Chag Pesach Sameach.