A blueprint for ethnic social cohesion
The Federal Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke. has chaired a roundtable consultation with leaders of ethnic communities, academics and migrant representative bodies to assist in formulating a government statement to be used as a blueprint for the government’s social cohesion strategy.

Alex Hawke
Representing the Australian Jewish community, The Executive Council of Australian Jewry’s Co-CEO Alex Ryvchin told the group that he spoke “from the perspective not only of a Co-Chief Executive Officer of the national representative body of the Australian Jewish community but as someone who came to this country as a migrant and a refugee and whose family struggled through all the chaos and challenges that mark the migrant experience, including alienation, poverty, language barriers, and finding employment on foreign qualifications.”
“What makes this country great,” Mr Ryvchin continued, “is that this country does not require migrants to abandon or repudiate their culture, their languages or their heritage. But with the rights and freedoms that we take the benefit of as Australians, come responsibilities. We each have a responsibility to integrate, language is central to this, and we each have a duty to uphold the values and laws of this country.”