Waks apologises

April 3, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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The CEO of child sexual abuse advocacy organisation Tzedek Manny Waks has apologised for allegations made about Rabbi Abraham Glick.

Waks’s apology appeared on Tzedek’s Facebook page and reads:

Manny Waks

Manny Waks

During December 2013, I posted certain statements on Tzedek’s website and on my personal Facebook page and permitted a third party to post a statement on Tzedek’s website, which referred to allegations made against Rabbi Abraham Glick.

In particular, I posted certain statements that suggested to some that Rabbi Glick was guilty and permitted a third party to post a statement stating that Rabbi Glick had admitted to the allegations made. I accept that those statements about Rabbi Glick were false and inaccurate, and accept and believe that Rabbi Glick was at all times completely innocent of the allegations made.

I unreservedly apologise to Rabbi Glick and his family and retract those statements.

Manny Waks

Rabbi Glick

Rabbi Glick

The Rabbinical Council of Victoria has made the following statement: “The RCV welcomes the recent apology and retraction issued by Mr Manny Waks for posting false and inaccurate statements about an individual in our community on the Tzedek website and in the social media.

Mr Waks has admitted that he believes that this individual was completely innocent of these allegations at all times.

The RCV notes with concern that the publication of the defamatory matters over which he has apologised, has true capacity to cause untold harm to individuals, their family members, and to the whole of the community.

The RCV would urge Mr Waks and the Board of Tzedek to give serious consideration to his position, as well as the practises that led to the publication of those damaging and defamatory comments.

The RCV reiterates its long-held position that victims and individuals with credible information about child sexual abuse should take these matters to the police and other relevant authorities.”

Josh Bornstein, Tzedek President,  has responded to the RCV statement: “The Tzedek Board met last night and discussed amongst other things, the legal action taken by Rabbi Glick against Manny Waks. On behalf of the Board, I can say that we support Manny Waks as CEO of Tzedek. We disagree with RCV.

That said, we also accept mistakes were made in this matter. Like all organisations who are concerned with good governance, we are taking steps to improve our processes.

We will be issuing a more detailed statement about the matter in the near future.”

Rabbi Glick had commenced legal proceedings against Waks who would not confirm if the had been dropped.


One Response to “Waks apologises”
  1. Lynne Newington says:

    Where is the sackcloth and ashes….before the whole community, I’m sorry Manny.
    This old man must have gone through personal hell.

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