This global health crisis and Passover
A special message from Prime Minister Scott Morrison for an out of the ordinary Passover.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison
Scott Morrison writes:
Passover is a time when we remember the journey of the Jewish people. A journey from slavery to freedom. It is a tradition dating back several millennia that has inspired Jewish communities around the world through the best of times — and the very worst, too.
At a time when we face great challenges, the festival of Passover has special meaning. This year it has a poignancy with many grandparents and grandchildren not able to be with each other for the Seder.
We are distancing from each other this year, so that next year and beyond, all our family members can gather and share the seder together.
This global health crisis that we face is a once-in-one-hundred-year event.
It requires all of us, no matter what our faith, to do our duty as citizens.
All of us have a role to play in keeping our community safe: employers, nurses, doctors, teachers, scientists, friends, family and neighbours.
The Jewish people have shown they can endure the most trying of circumstances, and such resilience gives me great confidence that our nation will also get through this.
We have a long way to go but we are an incredible country, and we are working together with an unparalleled sense of purpose, unity and cooperation.
The former Chief Rabbi of the Commonwealth, Jonathan Sacks, once said: “We can face any future without fear so long as we know we will not face it alone.”
Faith teaches us that we can be together in spirit, even if we are physically apart.
So I thank the Jewish community for all you give to Australia — this special place we call home.
In keeping with your Seder message, my prayer for my Jewish friends, is that our time of affliction will pass, and next year may we be free.
May each of you be strengthened in our shared journey ahead.
Chag Pesach Sameach.
Thank you, Prime minister you are a fantastic person a real mensh. It is a pleasure to live in this wonderful country under your leadership.
Really beautiful comments together with a wise understanding. An uplifting message of hope, sense of purpose and vision:
Much appreciated
Thank you Prime MInister for your wonderful Passover message. You have proved to be a wonderful leader.
Thanks for the message …. at the time of Passover maybe mention the message on the TV?