The rockets’ toll

May 7, 2019 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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President Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin has paid condolence calls on the Prezuazman family, whose son Pinchas Menachem was killed yesterday  by flying shrapnel in Ashdod; the Agadi family, whose father Moshe was killed on Saturday in a rocket attack on Askhelon; and the al-Hamamda family whose father Ziad was killed yesterday in the rocket attack on the factory in Ashkelon.

With the Prezuazman family
Photo Mark Neiman/GPO

The president consoled the Prezuazman family together with deputy health minister Yaakov Litzman and . During the visit, he told the family that the death of their son, father and husband was an unbearable loss. “We say ‘Blessed is the true judge’ and we know that there is no consolation for such terrible grief as this. We are with you in the true prayer that you will only know happy occasions in the future.”

With the Agadi family Photo: Mark Neiman/GPO

President Rivlin continued to Askhelon, where he visited the Agadi family, which is mourning for Moshe. He sat beside members of the family, his mother, wife brother and sisters and their children, and said that the wonderful family that Moshe left behind is another testimony to the man he was, his good heart and his great love for the people and the country.  “Beloved grandma and mother,” said the president to Moshe’s mother, “we are praying with you that your pain will be lessened by the comfort brought by your grandchildren and great-grandchildren and by your whole family.”

With the al-Hamamdma family

The president then visited the al-Hamamda family, who lost their father Ziad, in Segev Shalom. The president, accompanied by Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Uri Ariel met Ziad’s family members and children, who thanked him for coming. “I do everything I can to visit all Israelis who are in such terrible grief from terrorist attacks. We, the tribes of Israel, are together in good times and bad, in hope and in difficulty, regardless of which tribe we are from. Ultra-Orthodox, secular, religious and traditional, Jews and Arabs – terror strikes us all without discrimination and without mercy and we will never surrender to it. We are together in celebration and in consolation and I pray with all my might that you will know no more sorrow.”

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