How Britain has failed to prevent Islamist extremism and to protect Jews
February 10, 2023 by Melanie Phillips -
Filed under Featured Articles
While events in Israel continue to attract disproportionate and distorted global attention, Islamic extremism remains a threat inside Western society. Read more
Britain blocks BDS
February 18, 2016 by J-Wire News Service
Filed under News
The World Jewish Congress has welcomed a decision by the British government to issue binding guidance to all public authorities in the UK aimed at preventing them from boycotting Israeli suppliers and imposing stiff penalties on those who do. Read more
‘A death sentence for the Jews’: 75 years since the British White Paper…writes Rafael Medoff
May 8, 2014 by Rafael Medoff -
Filed under Featured Articles
“We know we are going to be bamboozled,” a despondent Stephen Wise, the foremost American Jewish leader of his time, confided to a friend before boarding a ship bound for England in early 1939. The British had invited Wise and other Zionist leaders from the United States and Palestine to take part in a “peace conference” with Arab leaders. Read more