Shul on the move
Sydney’s growing Kensington Shul is on the move to new premises…at Shalom College.

Rabbi Eli Cohen
Charismatic Rabbi Eli Cohen told J-Wire: “We had been operating in Raleigh Park Hall for three years and the time came to find new premises. We have members in Raleigh Park itself but there is a growing community in the neighbouring suburbs such as Rosebery. We get a very nice crowd on Friday nights and Shabbat and the Yom Tovim. When we had to find new premises it seemed to be a difficult task. Someone suggested Shalom College and we made contact with Hilton Immerman who agreed to the Shul moving there and helped enormously to facilitate matters.”
The Kensington Shul currently has a small congregation with about 25 attending on Shabbat with around 100 coming on the High Holidays. But prices in the Eastern Suburbs are driving many young families to move to the area. Rabbi Cohen said: “There is always room for growth”.
The Kensington Shul will hold its first Shabbat services next weekend at Shalom College on the campus of the University of New South Wales.