Sale of Chametz – Israel style and Sydney style
As every year, just before Pesach, Magen David Adom made sure to sell the Chametz in the organization’s possession, as the Jewish law requires, but due to the instructions of the Ministry of Health regarding the Corona epidemic made the sale through the Zoom app.

At the MDA’s HQ in Tel HaShomer
Meanwhile, two rabbis from the Sydney Beth Din wore masks, gloves and exercised social distance to make their transaction.
In Israel, MDA Director-General Eli Bin and Deputy Director-General Oren Blustein sat in front of a large screen in the briefing room at MDA’s National Operations Centre in Kiryat Ono and met with Cheif Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar in Jerusalem at the same time. Like every Passover year, where a delegation led by MDA Director-General Eli Bin makes sure to reach the Rabbi’s office in Jerusalem. This year, under the Ministry of Health’s guidelines in light of the Corona epidemic, the three gathered for a video call using the Zoom app to perform the Chametz sale ceremony as dictated by Jewish law.
During the video conference, Rabbi Amar expressed great appreciation for how MDA is dealing with its added responsibilities as Israel’s National Emergency Medical and Blood Services Organization during the fight against the Coronavirus. The Rabbi was also interested, among other things, in MDA’S holiday preparations and discussed with the two about the Passover medicine and checking the rescue vehicles and MDA stations for chametz before the holiday. After this, MDA Director-General granted Rabbi Amar the authority to sell the Chametz in the organization’s possession.
Following the sale of Chametz, the Rabbi congratulated MDA Director-General for his activities throughout the year, especially these days under the threat of Corona, and also congratulated all MDA employees and volunteers who would only be dealing with good things and later save lives. The Rabbi also emphasized the great privilege that Magen David Adom and his partners have for dealing with saving lives and the blessing that God will save and stand to the right, and that there will not be much work and whatever will be successful.
MDA Director-General Eli Bin thanked Rabbi Amar, saying: “MDA makes sure to sell Chametz for Pesach every year, in accordance with Halacha. This year, we were forced into a complex reality that forced us to make the Chametz sale under unique conditions. MDA teams make sure to maintain a full Pesach kosher service at all stations, so that we can continue to work fully within the organization with all Israeli-secular and secular population segments, side by side also during the holidays. Safe and healthy. Please stay home – we’re at the forefront.”

Rabbi Yehoram Ulman does a deal Frand Sartor as Rabbi Moishe Gutnick watches on
In Sydney, Rabbi Yoraham Ulman watched by Rabbi Moshe Gutnick sells his Chametz to former Mayor of Sydney and former State politician, Frank Sartor.