Professor Paul Zimmet’s message to Maccabi Life
As 2018 Senior Victorian Australian of The Year, one of my commitments was to work together with community organisations. In late 2018, this responsibility led to me joining the Advisory Board of Maccabi LIFE.

Paul Zimmet wrote this article for Maccabi Life
Right now, I cannot think of a more important time or opportunity than working together with Maccabi and the Australian Jewish community to help mitigate the serious threat that Coronavirus (COVID-19) presents to us all.
I commend Maccabi for calling a ‘TIME-OUT’ nationally across the organisation and responsibly putting the health and safety of our community first. They have set a strong example for all organisations, bodies, associations and other communities to follow.
Maccabi has a deep reach into our community, and I am delighted about their swift response to the current health
crisis we all face together. Maccabi is working closely with leading health professionals and Jewish Community
Taskforces around the country to get vital information out to you quickly – “All-In-One-Place”.
The – – website was originally published last week as a resource for Maccabi members.
Maccabi is committed to ensuring that our community stays “connected” by supporting all Australian Jewish
Organisations with a platform to communicate their important messages to you. It is important for all of us to
recognise that these are very ‘SERIOUS’ times and that COVID-19 is a Monumental Threat to our Nation and
worldwide. Our Community Organisations must all work together in unison, always putting the health and well-
being of our families and wider community first.
Personal ‘Isolation’ creates a need for ‘Strong Community Collaboration’.
As a practising medical professional for over 50 years, and as an active member of our Jewish community, I cannot express strongly enough how important it is to follow the simple guidelines set out on this website. It is one of the best Community sites I have seen to date and it provides important information on COVID-19 and links you directly to our Government Health Departments and other Community organisations. It contains a plethora of general and more specific information for you and your family around a wide range of COVID-19 related topics including hygiene, isolation, Maccabi Club Updates, parental guides for talking with kids and general Health & Wellness resources from Maccabi LIFE. It is and will continue to be a vital resource for our community over the coming months.
Do not underestimate how critical this site is to the health and safety of our community. The information in front of your eyes ‘will save lives’. Those lives could be your own, your child, a family member, friend or colleague, or a complete stranger.
The message from our Federal and State Governments is now ‘loud and clear’, social isolation and responsibility are our best defences against the spread of Covid-19.
I urge you to follow these 5 simple actions of the MACCABI–COMMUNITY-SHIELD campaign.
1. Visit the site and watch the video on COVID-19 and the rationale for social isolation. View not once, but twice! WATCH THE VIDEO HERE
2. Visit the site regularly and share the link to the website with family & friends to stay informed & keep connected.
3. Promote and practice the Government guidelines on Hygiene & Social Responsibility listed on the website.
4. Be kind to one another and show respect to all.
5. Visit the Maccabi LIFE section on the website for ways to stay active and practice good ‘health &
well-being’ at all times. The LIFE section will go live in the coming days and have fresh content added right through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Maccabi LIFE Updates (LIFE Section) will be providing you with all the latest health and wellness tips to help you stay fit, healthy and cope better during the lock-down. Maccabi will be partnering with leading Health & Wellbeing professionals and innovators across the International Maccabi Family. The Maccabi LIFE Updates site will contain cutting edge information on nutrition, exercise, mental health, working from home, life matters, kids activities, screen-time techniques and so much more.
The message from our Federal and State Governments is now ‘loud and clear’, social isolation and responsibility
are our best defences against the spread of Covid-19.
Alongside fellow health professionals, I will be working closely with Maccabi during the crisis and assisting them
in any way I can. Through this website, we will bring our entire community important information about COVID-
19 whenever it becomes available to us.
As an Honorary President of the International Diabetes Federation, I will also share with you important
information on COVID-19 and diabetes on the Maccabi Updates website.
Again, before signing off, I ask you for your own safety and that of us all that you please follow the above
‘MACCABI–COMMUNITY-SHIELD’ Action-Plan to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 across our Nation.
Along with my Maccabi colleagues, I urge you all to stay safe and remain active, but most importantly be socially
responsible and follow the Government guidelines.