At peace with the Groners

February 16, 2015 by J-Wire Staff
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Manny Waks was a victim of child sexual abuse whilst attending Melbourne’s Yeshivah College when it was under the supervision of the late Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Groner. He has accepted an apology from Rabbi Groner’s children.

 Manny Waks writes:
Rebbetzin Miriam Telsner, Rebbetzin Yurkevich, Rabbi Mendy Groner, Manny Waks, Rabbi Chaim Zvi Groner, Rabbi Yosse Groner

Rebbetzin Miriam Telsner, Rebbetzin Rivkah Yurkowicz, Rabbi Mendy Groner, Manny Waks, Rabbi Chaim Zvi Groner, Rabbi Yosse Groner

A historic day both personally and for the community. I’ve just concluded a lengthy meeting with the family of the late Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Groner, former head of the Yeshivah Centre. All five of his children currently residing in Melbourne attended the meeting.

They acknowledged and apologised for the sexual abuse, the cover-ups and the intimidation that ensued.
They also apologised for not reaching out sooner (despite my attempts) and for not speaking out about the intimidation.
They requested that I convey this message to all the Yeshivah victims on behalf of the Groner family (not the Yeshivah Centre or Chabad). It was a very moving and honest meeting, and I’m so pleased that it proceeded.
Of course I fully accept their apology (on behalf of myself only). As I informed them, it is my wish to now move forward in a positive and constructive manner (although we still need to see some significant changes, which will be pursued). I will continue to reach out to others and hope that others, too, will reach out to me.
Manny Waks is the co-founder of child sexual abuse advocacy group Tzedek.


3 Responses to “At peace with the Groners”
  1. Jennifer Michelson says:

    Finally honour from the family .
    Honesty is essential .
    Nothing from yeshiva !
    A disgrace !
    Nothing from cha bad who both pretend to be inhuman
    , squeaky clean
    And sadly disgrace the concept of Jewish HONOUR !
    We need to admit error
    And avoid
    Such tragedy
    In the future .
    Not deny the truth .
    Never will I support chabad again until they understand
    And publicly acknowledge
    That :
    Jewish kids
    All kids
    Need to be supported .

  2. Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone says:

    The pedigree of the Groner Family shines through.
    Rabbi Yitchok Groner of Blessed Memory was a very special man, a wonderful ambassador for Lubavitch.
    Manny Waks is to be applauded for his bravery in general and his willingness to meet the Groner siblings in particular.
    May this be the being of a healing process for all concerned.

    • ben gershon says:

      did some valuable work.

      so dose a cow when giving milk but if she plants her dirty hoof in thr bucket on the way out of the stall .it is for nougat


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