On the other hand…writes Michael Kuttner

October 29, 2017 by Michael Kuttner
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One hundred years ago Anzac soldiers helped to liberate the yet unborn Jewish State from Ottoman oppression. Little did they realise what miracles would be forthcoming from the yet to be launched Israel.


 Can Cannabis help those suffering from asthma? Researchers in Jerusalem are about to find out.

Israel is the epicenter of R&D on cannabis and most of the work has happened in the Hebrew University. Two Hebrew University scientists will start research to see if a derivative of cannabidiol, CBD, has an inhibitory effect on allergic airway inflammations that cause asthma attacks. CBD is the non-psychoactive ingredient of cannabinoid found in both hemp and regular cannabis strains.

Israel’s supportive regulatory environment and collaborative healthcare ecosystem place the country at the forefront of therapeutic cannabis.



 A society that has a lot of babies is a society that is positive, energetic and optimistic.

 Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics just released its report for 2016 where it stated, very clearly, that the Jewish fertility rate was 3.16 while the Arab fertility rate was 3.11.

 Israel’s fertility rate is the highest among the developed countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and – more impressive than anything else: Israeli women are the only women in the world having more babies today than their mothers!

Young Israeli couples see a bright future and are happy to build a strong and proud Jewish state. Unlike their counterparts in Europe, with countries such as Italy having a horrific average of just 1.3 babies per family, the Israeli couple is excited about tomorrow and they are willing to do their part in building the Land.



 More than 130 journalists from 30 countries converged in Jerusalem for Israel’s inaugural Christian Media Summit.

Among the topics discussed at the conference was Israel’s role as a model of religious tolerance and co-existence, as well as countering the inherent biases that the Jewish state often faces in international legal forums, such as the United Nations, and in the mainstream media.

The Prime Minister stressed the difficulties that Christians face as persecuted minorities in neighboring countries across the Middle East.

“Israel is the one country in a vast region where Christians not only survive, they thrive,” Netanyahu stated, noting that Israel has “no better friends” around the world than Christian communities.


One Response to “On the other hand…writes Michael Kuttner”
  1. Adrian Jackson says:

    The Ottoman Empire was much the same as the British, French and Russian Empires.

    Unfortunately for them they chose the loosing side in WW1 however they were surrounded by hostile nations like Russia, Serbia and Greece. In about 1914 they were about to take delivery of war ships built in Britain.

    During the Crimea war the Ottoman Empire was an ally of both Britain and France fighting the Russians 60 years earlier. The Ottomans were building railways and modern infrastructure as far as Baghdad.

    Most oppression on the region started after the empires break up. Just look at the mess in Turkey, Kurdistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine 100 years on.

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