On the other hand

February 4, 2024 by Michael Kuttner
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The call-up of reserve soldiers has disrupted the lives of countless families and also inflicted major economic stress.

Front-line combatants home on temporary leave are obliged to carry their weapons with them at all times. It is, therefore, a common sight to see men and women fully armed in the street, in shopping malls and on public transport.

In an “only in Israel” experience last Shabbat, the young man, home on leave from his unit, who was our Torah reader (Ba’al Koreh), chanted the weekly portions wearing a submachine gun over his tallit (prayer shawl). Having completed the reading, he picked up his baby daughter and continued praying.

Where else other than in Israel can one see Jewish soldiers praying in a synagogue and being on guard at the same time?


Volunteers from many parts of the world, Jewish and non-Jewish, have been flocking to Israel to help out, especially in the hard-hit agricultural sector.

It is hard physical work but this has not deterred young and old alike from lending a helping hand.

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 Listen and learn from a respected non-Jewish expert about the real facts of what is happening in Israel and why it matters for the truth to be exposed.

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 Behind the headlines are personal stories of joy and tragedy that do not receive exposure in the media.

This video is one such episode of many faced by families in Israel.

It is inspirational and testifies to a strong faith and epitomises the eternal Jewish will to overcome challenges and champion life.

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