On the other hand

February 26, 2023 by Michael Kuttner
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This week we travelled to the north of Israel to visit our youngest son.

Instead of driving there and being stressed by traffic jams and lunatic drivers, we decided to travel by train, especially as we are now entitled to free transport anywhere in Israel.

One of the benefits of train travel is that one can relax and watch the passing scenery. As we sped on time, we were amazed to notice the enormous amount of infrastructure work currently being undertaken the length and breadth of this country. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are vast building sites with metro and light rail lines being built and skyscrapers replacing old structures. It is not, however, just these two cities that are changing beyond recognition but also the proliferation of new overpasses, underpasses, tunnels and rail lines sprouting the entire length of our several-hour journey.

Everywhere we looked, there are cranes and bulldozers busily altering and hopefully improving the transport infrastructure in all parts of the country. If the crowds on the trains we took are any indication, more citizens and tourists seem to be choosing the convenience of train commute over the frustrations of road congestion.


In our fast-paced digital world, consumers are constantly looking for the quickest way to receive products and services.

Thanks to Israeli innovation, a robot might make Amazon Prime delivery look like snail mail!

Watch and see how this Israeli robot developed by Israeli company 1MRobotics, speeds up online shopping!

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 An Israeli non-profit organisation is doing its bit in trying to save our oceans from the plastic pollution threatening them.

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Developed at Ben Gurion University, this amphibious robot has the potential to be used in search and rescue situations. Moreover, it is bio-friendly towards marine life as well.

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 With so much disinformation and distorted facts being circulated, it is not surprising that many are totally confused and misinformed about the real truths concerning the Temple Mount.

This video provides the real situation both from a historical and current perspective.  It should be compulsory viewing for all those who have doubts about the authenticity of the Jewish claim to Judaism’s holiest site.

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