On the other hand

February 12, 2023 by Michael Kuttner
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In the wake of the devastating Turkish earthquake, Israel’s emergency international aid organizations have swung into action.

Within 48 hours, there were search and rescue experts on the ground, followed by a field hospital providing sophisticated care for those injured in this natural disaster.

Mentioned by some media outlets but not all is the startling fact that Israel is also providing aid to Syrian victims. This is not the first time that such humanitarian assistance has been offered to Syrian civilians, but as usual, it will be ignored by the UN Human Rights Commission.

Minor aftershocks of the earthquake have been experienced in Israel, which is a reminder that we are located on a fault line that has the potential to move at any time.

Meanwhile, aftershocks of a political nature are occurring as those frustrated at the election result and opponents of the Government’s policies erupt in protest.


It is generally accepted that in a few years, farming practices as we know them today will be radically different.

Cattle and sheep farming will be drastically reduced, which will have major effects on the economies of those countries which rely on this method to produce meat for human consumption.

Israel is a leading innovator in developing alternative sources of meat. Learn about the latest achievements which could very well be coming to a supermarket near you in the not-too-distant future.

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 Ongoing excavations in Israel and Jerusalem, in particular, reveal incontrovertible evidence of the veracity of the Biblical narrative and proof that Jews were indeed sovereign here well before the advent of Islam and the supposed “Palestinians.”

In the last few days, another amazing discovery has come to light thanks to the sharp-eyed attention of a teenager taking part in a sifting activity.

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 Most everyone knows what Yad Vashem represents.

If you have visited this museum in Jerusalem dedicated to the memory of the Shoah, you will be aware of what an impact it has on those who visit the site.

Currently, a major project is underway to record the names of all six million Jews who were murdered.

Learn about this here.

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