On the other hand

October 2, 2022 by Michael Kuttner
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“If I had a hammer – I’d hammer in the morning – I’d hammer in the evening – All over this land”

These lyrics made famous by Peter, Paul and Mary some years ago could very well be the theme song in Israel at the moment.

From the day after Rosh Hashanah until the eve of Sukkot the sound of hammers hammering all over this land can be heard loud and clear as families construct their Sukkah. Children and grandchildren help their parents and grandparents and volunteering youth assist elderly pensioners as the annual construction frenzy gets underway.


Listen and learn as Australian Israeli, Daniel Luria, explains how a building in the old City of Jerusalem which once belonged to Jews has been reclaimed and is being restored.

There are many dwellings like this which over the millennia were confiscated from their legal Jewish owners.

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 Just in time for Yom Kippur, enjoy a haunting version of this High Holyday prayer played by two of Australia’s well known musicians.

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 Where else but at the Western Wall in Jerusalem will you find 20,000 Jews gathered together and praying Selichot prior to Rosh Hashanah?

This is only possible because Israel exercises sovereignty in its undivided Capital. Prior to 1967 Jews were forbidden access to this holy site. If we were ever to accede to the international community’s demand that we hand half of Jerusalem to the Ramallah based PA and allow the Hashemite Monarch to once again “guarantee” religious freedom, Jews would be banned.

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