On the other hand

January 23, 2022 by Michael Kuttner
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Will it or won’t it? That is the question currently exercising the attention of many Israelis.

We are presently experiencing a polar blast and the temperatures have plunged. Snow has already fallen in the north and the guessing game is in full swing as to whether those of us living in Gush Etzion and Jerusalem will also be “enjoying” the white stuff with all its attendant disruptions.

Students are praying for snow because that usually means schools are suspended.

The other guessing game involves the longevity of the current coalition and whether the Leader of the Opposition will be leaving politics.

Like the weather, this is an unpredictable exercise and prone to last-minute changes.

What doesn’t change however are hard solid facts.


As the UN (including Australia and New Zealand) brands Israel an illegal occupier this video by Professor Eugene Kontorovich, Professor of Law and an expert on international law in particular, demolishes this canard.

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 This past year witnessed an upsurge in aliyah from many countries.

In particular, the number of young people from the United States has shown an upsurge.

Aliyah from the USA has previously not been on the same scale proportionally as from other parts of the world.

What has changed and why are we seeing such a welcome phenomenon?

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 The pandemic has hit construction and the tourist and hospitality sectors particularly hard.

However, with true Israeli optimism and out of the box thinking, steps are already being taken to plan for the day after life returns to normal.

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