On the other hand

October 10, 2021 by Michael Kuttner
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It looks as though the 4th wave of the Coronavirus plague is waning in Israel and that has been achieved without lockdowns.

Moreover, unlike some other countries, there are no impediments for Israelis leaving as long as they are vaccinated and meet the requirements of airlines and legal restrictions of host nations.

Also, in contrast to Australia and New Zealand, there are no Israelis stranded overseas, unable to return and having no idea when they will ever be able to reunite with families back home.

It also means that businesses and schools are operating normally and economic activity remains at high levels.

Whether there will be a fifth wave remains to be seen but at least at the moment we are witnessing the tide retreat.



Next time you get to Tel Aviv the white elephant known as the central bus station may already be demolished.

Not only was it obsolete when it finally was finished but it never achieved its original target of passengers.

Have a look at some of the weird attractions now inhabiting this building.


In Israel, Hatzalah promises to be at your side in 90 seconds or less if someone has collapsed.

However, if help has not arrived within that time frame, here are some critical tips for helping the patient until an ambulance does arrive.




This video was produced especially for the WHO regional conference on helping individuals with disabilities.

It showcases again the unique Israeli organization, Shalva, which is a world pioneer in helping disabled citizens.


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