On the other hand

November 1, 2020 by Michael Kuttner
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If you happen to be living in the UK, Australia or New Zealand, 5 November is a time to enjoy firework displays as Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated.

For USA citizens this year, November 3 will be a day of fireworks of an entirely different kind.

In Israel where every day produces fireworks of one sort or another, life is tentatively, slowly and cautiously trying to emerge from Covid lockdown.


 One of the biggest casualties of the COVID pandemic has been international travel and tourism. Israel as a leading tourist destination has been particularly hard hit.

Now, with the second wave seemingly on a downward curve, it has been decided to re-open two of the country’s most popular sites.

Get your bags packed, your passports ready and plan ahead. New routes via the Gulf seem likely to shorten travel times and who knows may even reduce prices.



The Abraham Accord between Israel and the UAE has inspired an Emirati based kosher catering company to show off its special challah recipe.

The dough preparation may be the same as all over the world but it is the unique blended glazing which gives it that extra touch.

Try it for yourselves and taste the difference.




 Growing numbers of elderly citizens face increasingly lonely lives whether it is because of virus lockdowns, illness or the absence of family and close friends.

Israel innovation and technology once again comes to the rescue and hopefully will help to improve the quality of life of all those affected.




In celebration of the peace accords between Israel and the UAE, an Israeli orchestra played an instrumental arrangement of a well known and beloved Emirati song.

It is interesting to note that there were some who still cannot detach themselves from the old hate and delegitimization.

Hopefully, these voices of boycott and incitement will soon be drowned out by the increasingly louder music of peace.



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