New Year – Old Realities

January 12, 2024 by Michael Kuttner
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As predicted, all the unsolved challenges from the old year have reappeared with a vengeance in the new year.

Michael Kuttner

They were never going to go away and instead are present with an increased virulence and potential to cause major upheavals. Israel, unlike some other countries at this time of the year, does not have the luxury of shutting down for the holiday season and suspending normal Government activities. Even during the “chagim” season of Jewish Festivals, the country cannot relax its vigilance.

October 7, last year, demonstrated what happens when the country’s guard is down. Threats from those dedicated to Israel’s demise and the murder of Jews remain constant. Those who naively believed that there were partners for peace were shockingly reminded that their illusions were fatally flawed.

It is, therefore, with a sense of incredulity that one can witness the continuing flights of total fancy on the part of many in Israel, the Diaspora and in the corridors of power in world capitals.

The battle to make sure that the real news is disseminated is an unceasing struggle. Most of the main international media sources which supply reports, commentaries and opinions are controlled and staffed by individuals whose knowledge and understanding of Jews, Jewish history and Israel is minimal. That is the most positive scenario. More often than not, ignorance is reinforced by an ingrained aversion to the Jewish State emanating from a far-left political bias and a knee-jerk belief that Israel was born in original sin. In addition, local Arab “stringers” are employed, thus ensuring totally unbalanced reporting.

The inevitable result is that news outlets, whether printed versions or online websites, source their material from these select sources, thus presenting uniformly distorted news to the uninformed public.

To make matters even worse, Jewish news sites regularly reprint or post these distorted items from these same providers. It is extremely frustrating for those trying to counter the misinformation circulating to read time after time the recycled slogans and misreported facts made worse by being published on Jewish news sites.

Giving space to conflicting opinions is, without doubt, an important feature of free and democratic media. However, when the same sources are endlessly used to denigrate and misinform, then the end user, the public, must be made aware.

Some media sources are worse than others, but inevitably, the same names crop up when it comes to spreading calumnies about Israel or omitting vital facts about a particular topic.

A perfect example of how this works is provided by reports claiming that Israel deliberately targeted “innocent” Palestinian “journalists” in a drone strike which killed them. Omitted from the news item, however, was a significant fact that these two “innocents” were, in reality, themselves terrorists belonging to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Needless to say, this omission was ignored in favour of whipping up anti-Israel fervour. Proof that this tactic is successful is provided by the fact that US Secretary of State Blinken joined in the knee-jerk condemnations of Israel.

Strangely missing from most international news sources is the revelation made by Gaza civilians that Hamas steals food and humanitarian aid from them and takes over their homes to use for terror purposes.

It has been revealed that Hamas is using North Korean weapons. This is another piece of information successfully kept under wraps.

Like cigarettes, you should be warned that believing material from some news organisations is likely to be injurious to your health.

If you come across items from AP, AAP, AFP, Reuters, The Guardian, BBC, New York Times, Sky UK, CNN, Washington Post, Al Jazeera, be wary and careful. Ha’Aretz, Israel’s post-Zionist and ultra-left newspaper, is home to many self-loathing journalists and Israel bashers. The international media love to reproduce material from them because they love nothing better than discovering Jews who hate their compatriots and the Zionist cause.

The consumer should always be aware, especially in these times when lies and incitement, in particular, are running rampant.

Another example of how to successfully sell a lie is the endlessly repeated assertion that the PA/Fatah/PLO “moderates” are the only suitable candidates for a peaceful future. The media sources detailed above (and others not mentioned) are furiously peddling this snake oil rubbish. Just because it has the seal of approval of the UN and the Vatican does not make it an infallible article of faith.

There are plenty of alternative news sites that are not afraid to publish the true facts, yet despite this, too many Jewish newspapers and websites continue to reprint fables as though they are actually true.

Take, for example, these facts supplied by PMW, an undoubted authority on exposing PA deceptions.

PA goal: Unity with Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror organisations

  • Speaking in the name of Mahmoud Abbas, top PA official calls on terror organisations to unite with PA
  • PA and Fatah’s “hands are extended, hearts are open” to Hamas to unite
  • PA won’t rule Gaza without Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror organisations
  • Hamas is “part of the fabric of our struggle”
  • The Oct. 7 massacre was “a great earthquake” and “battle of heroism”
  • Terror organisations will unite under the PLO/PA
  • PA Chairman Abbas asked for meeting with Hamas

Have you seen this reported elsewhere?

You never will see it widely reported because it exposes the myths peddled by the main media outlets. Scandalously, it is also shunned by many Jewish news sites, no doubt because it does not fit the prevailing narrative.

The same amnesia also prevails when it comes to the asinine slogans being screamed at demonstrations and paraded on posters and banners.

The media has succeeded in making slogans such as “from the river to the sea” and “free Palestine” an acceptable endorsement of genocidal intentions. This is perfectly exemplified by the ludicrous statement by a spokesperson for something called “Dayenu – New Zealand Jews against the occupation” who explained to the media that “the call by Palestinians to return to occupied land did not mean that Israel could not exist.” If this totally befuddled and clueless person took the time to read the Hamas charter and other pronouncements, she would have discovered that as far as these terror groups are concerned, all of Israel is occupied. The October 7 pogrom proved this fact.

It’s about time that Jewish advocacy groups publicised their own alternative slogans. “From the river to the sea Israel will always be” and “Free fake Palestine from the grip of the terrorists” are just two examples of what could easily make media headlines. The time has arrived, in fact, it is long overdue, when a more assertive fightback is required.

Timidity and an aversion to rocking the boat is a lost cause.

Michael Kuttner is a Jewish New Zealander who for many years was actively involved with various communal organisations connected to Judaism and Israel. He now lives in Israel and is J-Wire’s correspondent in the region.

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