Meet Mikey Lee: a Henry Greener interview
Island of Men founder Mikey Lee lives in Byron Bay and has created a safe space for men to gather and bond in a way that brings them together for a deep holistic personal journey to connect with their emotions and encounter other men who are also seeking a stronger inter-personal experience.

Henry Greener and Mikey Lee
Mikey’s back-story sees him as a highly successful person in what would be considered living an ideal, fulfilled existence. However, his feelings of depression and anxiety necessitated a change of direction, which he took in a move to Byron Bay and the idea to start his own concept of a Men’s Health Event. His Workshops were successful for his personal development, as well as the many participants who found the process highly beneficial. In more recent time, Mikey has developed another avenue to help others through corporate workshops, called Soul’d, which allow his experience to be expanded into wider arenas and broader horizons, with a vision to benefit others to find their life’s purpose.