Limmud sampler

May 29, 2014 by  
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Stand-up comedy, first-hand stories from Bob Carr’s favourite lobby group the “falafel faction”, or a former Israeli intelligence official analysing jihadi groups? It’s a tough choice for the 12pm session at Yom Limmud.

Dane Stern

Dane Stern

How about a klezmer performance, a panel of Israeli experts discussing the Arab street, or hearing from the religious consultant to the animated film The Prince of Egypt at 4:30? You’re just as spoilt almost every hour. So many good options to choose from, yet in the end you must stick with one – it’s the traditional Limmud dilemma. It’s probably also a traditional dilemma at JJunction’s speed dating events.

I’m Dane Stern, and I’m on the marketing committee for Yom Limmud, which is taking place in Sydney on Sunday 15 June. After reading this spiel I hope you’ll feel inclined to come along! Have a look at our website for details and the full program:

What’s the attraction?

Like many young Jews, I’m involved with Limmud-Oz because it’s a fantastic way to enjoy Jewish culture, hear from experts on a wide variety of topics, and meet other young people in the Jewish community.

This past December I spent nearly a week at the Limmud UK Conference with 2,500+ mostly young participants from around the world. For any young, single Jew wanting to meet other young, single Jews, the event was a goldmine. Cafes, late-night bars, shared tables at mealtimes and other casual spaces created a vibrant social atmosphere that I felt would be perfect for JJunction’s members to experience here in Australia, through our own Limmud-Oz events.

What’s Limmud-Oz?

Limmud-Oz runs community-wide festivals of Jewish learning and culture in both Sydney and Melbourne for all ages – where within a few hours, you can experience music, history, comedy, philosophy, dance, current affairs and plenty more! All the events are not-for-profit and are run by young volunteers like myself (and perhaps some of you soon too!).

Limmud’s popularity has seen it spread to over 75 locations worldwide, and each has the same exciting approach – you choose the sessions you’d most like to attend from a variety running simultaneously, with the social spaces and programming giving you plenty of opportunities to mingle.

What’s happening in Sydney soon?

In Sydney we’re fortunate to have two Limmud events this year. Yom Limmud is a full day of interesting talks, performances and panel discussions on Sunday June 15 at the UNSW Tyree Energy Building, featuring local and international presenters. The tagline is “Experience diverse Jewish culture … in a day!” – you’ll be amazed at just how much variety there is on offer in just the one day. From 9:30am to 6:45pm, you can choose from 3 sessions each hour, including:

  • “Psychobibi – What makes Bibi tick?”
  • A panel of young Jews and Muslims discussing “Jews, Muslims and hate: a realistic response”
  • “The right to be a bigot? The 18C debate”
  • A soulful Carlebach concert … and plenty more

Your ticket includes kosher lunch – and if you’re under 30, the whole day (including the lunch) is only $35! To book your ticket or for the full program, visit

If you’d like to volunteer with registration, photography or other essential roles, and get an additional 25% discount whilst getting to mingle with fellow volunteers, register at

What’s the weekend retreat near Sydney in November?

Limmud Fest is a weekend retreat set in beautiful natural surrounds combining dynamic and diverse sessions with a festival atmosphere and unique Shabbat experience. It’s taking place just outside Sydney on the Central Coast over November 28-30.  There will be plenty of time for socialising, relaxation, physical activity including bushwalks, and enjoying the Shabbat experience on offer. At a recent Limmud Fest, ARIA award winning band Monsieur Camembert performed a Saturday night concert.

I have the privilege of co-chairing this year’s Limmud Fest. JJunction and Limmud Fest are planning to shidduch in making this a wonderful opportunity for young Jews to meet in a casual, relaxed environment, involving JJunction members from across Australia and nearby countries. You’ll hear more about in upcoming months, including options for glamping.

If you’d like to get involved in one of the committees helping organise this exciting event, email, we’re meeting casually over a game of tenpin bowling on June 23rd, 7pm at Strike Entertainment Quarter.

What’s happening in Melbourne soon?

From June 7th to 9th, the main Limmud Oz event is taking place at Monash University’s Caulfield campus. As a maths buff I can’t resist running through the numbers – 13 international presenters are coming especially for the conference, up to 12 diverse sessions are running simultaneously, and last year’s event in Sydney attracted around 1,200 participants from across Australia. For more details or to book your ticket, visit

What’s the way to find out more?

Here are some links to get more info about upcoming Limmud events, including for volunteering: (Sydney) or (Melbourne)



Email: (Yom Limmud in June) or limmudfest2014@gmail

(Limmud Fest in November)



2 Responses to “Limmud sampler”
  1. tomerhs says:

    Great to hear a bit more about Limmud – all ages, all types!

  2. thanks Henry for publishing this great story from Dane .. thanks Dane, such a good job .. Limmud really is all those things and more, I hope lots of young people are inspired by your story to check it out and come along!

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