Israel Strikes Back
The misinformation – indeed the false dissemination – of so many facts relating to the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) has finally spurred Israel’s Foreign Ministry into action.
A six minute video on You Tube featuring Israel’s Deputy Minister For Foreign Affairs – Danny Ayalon – exposes the myths and lies that PLO propagandists have been spouting for years – with little effort by Israel to either rebut or refute such claims.
Goebbels proved that if you repeat a lie often enough it will become accepted wisdom in time.
Mr Ayalon’s ground breaking and easy to follow video comes on line in the wake of the PLO announcing its intention to unilaterally approach the United Nations in September to recognize a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza.
Take a look for yourselves and post a comment.
Send it to your friends.
I promise I will try to reply to any posts – complimentary or critical.
Hopefully this will be the first of many similar videos to be produced by Israel to counter the myriad misinformation that has been ongoing for decades.
David Singer is a Sydney Lawyer and Foundation Member of the International Analysts Network
To David Singer
It is beyond me why David Singer is broiges with me !!!
From what I said above it cannot be inferred that I would have “misread” or even contradicted him regarding the value of the said video. To say, however, that Israel has been remiss in deffending its cause in a proffessional way, that this video would be a major watershed in Israel’s PR, that Israel has been asleep at the PR wheel all this years in an uberhoypt misrepresentation of available FACTS. I wont go into how many and for how long Israeli leaders have canvassed all avenues of advocacy for Israel. That the video in discussion is an excellent addition to the vast “literature” of PR for Israel is accpted by me entirely, but to elevate it to the exclusive detriment of all that has been done by loyal and intelligent Israelis at ALL times is like saying that only the 9th symphony of Beethoven matters in his entire creation.
As about me denigrating the local leaders, David Singer is invited to list just some of the impressive PR campaigns, personalities etc. that achieved a reduction in the ostensively very successful ANTI Israel PR efforts by, evidently, the other side. I want David to name THE local Jewish leader that stands out as a UNIVERSALLY recognised and immediately reffered to with aplomb by the Australian media. I want named the ONE alone Jewish face/voice that springs to the public attention, as canvassed by the same media each time ( all the time !!!) there is an Israeli-palestinian news event !!!
Let’s name names …..To mine, since Isi Leibler we had GURNISCHT and that is NOT denigrating anyone, but facing reality.
To Otto Waldmann
You miss my point.
I am not denigrating the efforts of local Jewish organizations or individuals in defending Israel.
I am saying that their efforts go largely unrewarded and unnoticed in the general media.
Only Israel can get the wide media coverage necessary to counter the Arab propaganda machine by continuously arguing its case as has occured with this video – which is already having positive results in the media as the following article indicates.
Maybe Israel is starting to wake up at last and grasp the advantages of putting its case.
The video is, indeed, clear, based on actual facts and it should be seen as an undisputable fundamental blueprint for most of Israel’s existential principles. All what is said predates by a few minutes only the actual conflict with Israel’s host of enemies,both outside and within the Jewish fold. DISTORTIONS of all manner and degrees have created the conflict.
Sadly, among a greater fold of pernicious elements, an invreasing number of so called “finer tunings” of Israel’s democracy have been operating by disturbed groups within Israel,most of whom are financed by the NIF.
I am not so sure that Israel has been remiss in prommoting its policies, its message. A great majority of Israelis have been active all along in the media defending the same principles.In Australia,however, mostly in the past 20 years, Jewish leaders have been apallingly inadequate, unprofessional, inept and impotent in making the known truths about Israel known to the greater population.
In times of crisis in Israel the opposite position found massive resources in making their false positions known publically.Australia simply does NOT have one simgle Jewish “leader”to whom the media can reffer.There is NOT ONE Jewish name in Australia that ANYONE can refer to as the VOICE of the local Jewry. In NSW the Board of Deputies is beyond the joke. Vic is lucky to get 6 seconds twice a year on any TV screen.The rest either cannot articulate one single sentence to the media or run into ground when their opinions could be sought by the media.Thus,when local palestinians have been marching twice weekly against Israel, attracting THOUSANDS of supporters , the only Jewish voice seen regularly on the news would be someone like Peter Slezak.
So, it may not be precisely the shortcomings of Israel, while under our noses we are tollerating as “leaders” what perhaps Dudu may agree to call PR cowards, deficienti,or why not, labagii – that is to complement his “Buna Dimineata” .
To Dudu
Good on you. This video needs the widest circulation possible. I wonder why Israel waited so long to put an end to the lies and distortions so forcefully rebutted in this video.
Relying on others to explain and defend Israel’s position has been a terrible mistake. The mainstream media will report what Israel says through its Government. It does not necessarily open its pages to others.
Have you ever tried to get a letter in the Herald or the Australian – let alone an article? You will know what I mean.
Hopefully this video will be followed by others to undo the vicious Arab propaganda that has turned the conflict between Jews and Arabs on its head.
Shalom,Good Morning,Sawasdeeka.Buna Dimineata
Its a fantastic short video clear and direct to the point.
I am going to forward this video to all my friends Israelis
Jewish and non Jewish.This will be like a” Nikui Rosh”
cleaning of the distorted thinking.
Hurray Mr.Danny Ayalon