Have you heard?

April 9, 2023 by Michael Kuttner
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This year we have struck the jackpot as Pesach, Ramadan and Easter all coincide.


As J-Wire is read by followers of all three religious faiths, Festival greetings of Chag Sameach, Ramadan Kareem and Happy Easter to everyone.

To those of you who kvetched at the thought of two Seder nights followed by Shabbat this year, I have a simple solution.

Come to live in Israel.



 Israeli researchers unveil yet another startling medical development that has the potential to revolutionise diagnosis and treatment.

Consumer warning: BDS supporters should not watch this video as it may be hazardous to their health.

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This video explains how speaking “Jewish” is more widespread than you may think.

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 On the outskirts of Jerusalem in the Judean hills, the children and grandchildren of German Nazis are helping to build a chupah for Jewish weddings.

Does this sound incredible? Watch the video and see for yourselves.

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