Hamas bombs south, minor IDF response

April 25, 2021 by Aryeh Savir - TPS
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Gaza-based terrorists launched tens of rockets towards towns in Israel’s south on Friday night and Saturday night, repeatedly sending Israelis running for shelter, while the IDF responded in a limited fashion.

Rockets launched from Gaza. Apr-24 (Majdi Fathi/TPS)

On Saturday night, a rocket was fired towards the city of Sderot and was intercepted by the Iron Dome defence system. A second rocket exploded within the Gaza Strip.

A 21-year-old man from Sderot was injured in the head after he fell while running for shelter. Barzilai Hospital said Sunday morning that he was in stable condition. An 18-year-old suffered from anxiety.

On Friday night, the terrorists launched 36 rockets at Israeli civilian targets throughout the night. 6 rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome Defense System, and tens of thousands of Israelis were kept awake all night.

In response to rockets fired at Israel throughout the night, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) struck Hamas terror targets in Gaza on Saturday, including underground infrastructure and rocket launchers.

IDF Chief of Staff LTG Aviv Kochavi held a situational assessment at IDF HQ on Saturday to instruct a series of steps for possible responses and to prepare in the event of an escalation of the current situation.

He also decided to postpone his trip to the US during which he was to discuss the pending renewed nuclear deal with Iran with the US security leadership.

Security officials opined that the attacks from Gaza were a show of solidarity with the Muslims rioting in Jerusalem, and the massive rocket fire indicated that Hamas, which rules Gaza, launched the attacks or supported them.

The IDF deployed more Iron Dome batteries in large areas for fear of an expansion of the range of the rocket fire.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated Saturday evening after a situation assessment with senior security officials at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv that “regarding Gaza, I have ordered to prepare for any scenario.”

Normal routine resumed on Sunday in the Gaza Strip area.

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