Far Left-Wing Hypocrites
Nearly half a million people have been killed in Syria in the last four years.300,000 civilians are trapped in Aleppo – surrounded by Iranians and Hezbollah and being carpet bombed by the Russian and Syrian governments – yet hypocritical far-Left unionists like Paul Elliot remain completely silent on the slaughter in Syria.

Michael Danby
Displaying their entrenched hypocrisy, Elliot’s far-Left unionists show there are no limits to their attacks on the only liberal democracy in the Middle East, by adopting a ‘boycott, divestment and sanctions’ (BDS) policy against Israel.
The medical scientists, pharmacists and phycologists who pay their union subscriptions to the ultra-left HSU No 4 branch will need to ask whether the union’s discriminatory BDS policy instructions mean they will have to rip out the Israeli-made computer chips from their computers and cease prescribing medications which were developed or produced in Israel.
Member for Melbourne Ports – Michael Danby MP – lambasted Paul Elliott and other participating members of the HSU saying; “they (the union) should be more concerned with the fact that the general public think they are a union of crooks, rather than taking up the insignia position of the Nazis and boycotting Israeli and Jewish businesses.”
Mr Danby said that the motivations of the people who run the international BDS campaigns are very clear; what they are on about is the elimination of Israel, not some critiquing of its internal politics. [1]
“I call on those responsible to reconsider and immediately withdraw this discriminatory policy” Mr Danby said.
The Victorian branch of the Health Services Union (HSU) were singled out for praise however, having distinguished themselves from their extremist colleagues.
The internal pushback within the union has been led by Dianna Asmar who represents hundreds of aged-care workers who work in Jewish aged-care services in Melbourne Ports.
Ms Asmar has expressed her outright opposition to the anti-Israel boycott.
“It was no coincidence that it was Diana Asmar who led the campaign against the crooks and rorters in the HSU, she is a genuine democratic hero and is responsible for driving the corrupt Kathy Jackson out of office” Mr Danby said
Ms Asmar said she would vote against the “antisemitic” motion, further adding “an Australian trade union doesn’t need its own foreign policy”.
Former Vice President the Victorian ALP – Dr Henry Pinskier – said he had “spoken with the senior leadership of the ALP and they barely knew of the existence of this tiny union, which shows they have no access or influence.” Dr Pinskier reminds people who at the recent ALP National Conference the party condemned the BDS movement.
What an extraordinary state of affairs. What kind of fantasy world do these people inhabit? One without Jews or Israel, obviously. Let them find access deep within to what is really initiating this motion – shame on them.
Liat, they already know what it is deep within them that is initiating this motion, and they take pride in their motivation.
The most obvious historical precedent for this kind of behaviour occurred in Germany between 1933 and 1945. The German regime’s hatred of Jews was so powerful that it overwhelmed all other considerations.
In today’s context, can you imagine the excruciating chagrin and disappointment which are felt by people who, having hoped that “the Jewish problem” was finally “resolved,”and having learnt that it almost was, now are constantly confronted by the phoenix of an independent, free, progressive, constructive, strong Jewish nation-state.
It must wrench their guts and give them sleepless nights.