Family-friendly options added to UIA NSW 2019 Campaign

February 4, 2019 by Community newsdesk
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UIA NSW has announced it will offer new inclusive and family-friendly events and options during its 2019 Campaign.

UIA will host a Fun Run and Picnic with Ziv Shilon – Former IDF Captain and Iron Man competitor on Sunday 10 March in the Eastern Suburbs. All ages are welcome, so bring your family and friends for a Fun Run or Ride with bikes, scooters and prams.

Enjoy a picnic after the run or ride, with hampers available for pre-purchase or bring along your own.

Ziv Shilon was severely wounded during his last operational mission in the Gaza Strip in 2012. Undergoing over 14 surgeries and intensive rehabilitation, the story of his injury and recovery is a heroic and remarkable tale of the strength of one’s spirit and the ability to overcome challenges. Due to his immense motivation and willpower, he succeeded to rise above physical hurdles including those he thought were impossible. Shilon completed the Berlin Marathon and is now training for the Iron Man competition.

Following the success of the childminding service offered at last year’s General Division event, UIA will be offering this once again at the 2019 General Division event on Sunday 24 February, headlined by David Cameron – Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (2010-2016).

The professional service will be available for children aged 3-10, at $15 per child. They will enjoy a movie, activities, along with kosher pizza and snacks. Parents will be seated nearby the childminding location at the venue.

UIA NSW CEO Yair Miller said: “For a few years now, UIA NSW has been looking for innovative ways to ensure that parents with young children can still be connected to Israel through the UIA. As the Australian arm of the Global Keren Hayesod-UIA family, we recognise how critical it is for us to ensure the next generation of your family knows what it feels like to be part of the global Jewish collective.”


Sunday 10 March, 8.30am. $5 per person. To book and for venue enquiries visit or contact 9361 4273,


Places are limited. To book or make enquiries about the childminding service at the General Division Event, contact 9361 4273.

To book for the General Division event with David Cameron visit or contact 9361 4273,

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