ECAJ maintains its stand on Litzman
The Executive Council of Australian Jewry has reacted t0 the appointment of Israel’s Deputy Health Minister Rabbi Yaakov Litzman to Health Minister following the resignation from the portfolio by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday.
Rabbi Yaakov Litzman
Police have recommended that Litzman be indicted for bribery and breach of trust for his efforts to attempt to alleged child sex abuser Malka Leifer escape court extradition hearings. She is wanted by police in Melbourne to dave 74 charges of child sexual abuse.
The ECAJ said: “We share the depth of disappointment of sisters Dassi Erlich, Nicole Meyer and Elly Sapper who have been waiting for many years to see their alleged abuser brought to justice in Australia.
So many aspects of this case are simply scandalous: the recommendation by Israeli police that Israel’s Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman be charged with manipulating evidence; the unexplained reversals of testimony by Jerusalem District Psychiatrist Jacob Charnes; the evidence that Leifer has been malingering; and the seemingly never-ending rounds of psychiatric assessments. As each court appearance passes without resulting in an extradition order, further trauma is inflicted on the survivors and the integrity of Israel’s institutions is undermined.”
The Zionist Federation of Australia penned an open letter to Netanyahu as reported in J-Wire yesterday saying Litzman’s appoint was “a slap in the face” for the Australian community.
The Executive Council of Australian Jewry stated: “It has not affected the basic support of the Australian Jewish community for Israel, which is overwhelming. But the handling of Australia’s extradition application by the Israeli justice system has been strongly condemned by all sections of the Australian Jewish community, as the ECAJ’s public comments have made clear.
The appointment has not affected Australia’s relationship with Israel, which is as strong as ever. However, it has created a serious, ongoing issue that needs to be resolved urgently within the framework of that relationship.”
In February the ECAJ issued a statement on Litzman saying “He should stand down from his position while the investigation is under way. If it is found that there is any truth to the allegations, the Deputy Minister should be prosecuted for interfering in the administration of justice.”
Litzman appointed to Health Minister is disgraceful. An arrogant, uncaring political act which assures diminution of respect for those in the Knesset.
There is NO excuse or defence for such an appointment!
Dear Rav Litzman
As a Jew I am sure you would be familiar with our beautiful Torah
I am struggling to understand how you have not stood down while the allegations regarding interfering with justice are reviewed
Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof – Pursue justice is a important Torah standard
I feel that your alleged actions are causing irreparable harm to the Jewish world and the name of religious Judaism everywhere
We must all act as personal examples displaying integrity for our children as a Minister your standards of integrity is so much higher
As I am sure you would want to see the girls in melbourne receive some sense of justice
As a senior member of the Knesset you must take immediate action and stand down until it’s clear what role you have or have not played in interfering in justice and delaying sending malka leiffer to Australia to face her charges
Any other action would be a chillul HaShem
david fisher