Dirty secrets exposed…writes Michael Kuttner
There are countless news events concerning Israel which occur every day and never reach your media or if they do, receive distorted coverage.

Michael Kuttner
In the interests of exposing some of these hidden gems which you may not have read, seen or heard, here is a choice selection from this week’s crop.
Consumer warning: some of these revelations could cause adverse reactions so caution is advised.
A new head of Hamas has been appointed in Gaza. It so happens that he is a terrorist who was released from jail by Israel some time ago in one of those useless gestures so beloved of the Obama Administration and “progressive” purveyors of an illusory peace. Needless to say his agenda includes the elimination of Israel and support of terror. Supporters of a Palestinian State should carefully note that this is exactly the sort of “democrat” who could be expected to take up residence in a “liberated” capital of a Palestinian Arab State.
The kleptocracy known as the Palestinian Authority has advised Netanyahu not to waste his time talking to Donald Trump about Iran because “that’s way behind us.” This piece of advice would have gone down well in Washington in the recent past. It would also have been applauded by media commentators and self-appointed “experts.” Thank goodness the appeasement promoters have been replaced in the USA although they still reign supreme in Europe.
Meanwhile Hezbollah, the Iranian financed and supported terror group which has virtually taken over Lebanon is issuing threats again. This time they promise to target and destroy Haifa and the Dimona nuclear reactor. When Israel stated that such an event would mean the destruction of Lebanon, politicians there affiliated with the terror group complained and ran to the UN. It is a classic case of the local school bully threatening to beat up his neighbour and then running to the headmaster when the intended victim promises to massively retaliate.
The clearest example of delegitimisation is the way language can be used to twist and distort facts. This has reached unbelievable heights of absurdity but is generally ignored. Here are some examples from our Palestinian Arab “peace partners”:
Star of David becomes six pointed star.
Western Wall is now Al-Buraq wall
Temple Mount transforms into Noble Sanctuary of Jerusalem
Israel is reborn as Palestine
Judea and Samaria are called the occupied west bank
Terror is designated as resistance
Suicide bombing is lauded as martyrdom seeking operation
Terrorist killed in the act of murdering Israelis praised as a martyr
In case you think that these and many other perversions are the sole prerogative of the PA, think again. Much of the media as well as politicians and commentators are also complicit in using and disseminating these warped and false descriptions.
The PLO Ambassador to Iran stated: “I pray to Allah that Iran will produce 1,000 nuclear bombs. Israel is part of a “Western enterprise” whose “goal is to establish the Greater Israel, which would control disintegrated Arab and Islamic countries.”
“This way, our enemy, along with its defenders and masters, would complete their plan to turn us into servants, if not slaves, in this region, and to plunder our resources, this is happening today in our Islamic world.”
Meanwhile back in the USA one of the guest speakers at the J Street Conference, the PLO Ambassador to the USA, complained that the Trump Administration was ignoring them. With Bernie Sanders and Martin Indyk supporting failed past policies these three “experts” personify exactly how the term pro peace in double speak language actually means appeasement. What do the letters PLO represent? Palestine Liberation Organisation which sums up the real agenda. Those who cannot or will not recognise this simple fact should not be surprised when the sane majority rejects their admonitions.
With an upsurge of Judeophobia now sweeping Europe and the USA the assertion is being made in certain quarters that it is all the fault of Israel. If only we would hand over more parts of our country to those whose aim is our elimination then the current wave of cemetery desecrations, bomb threats and violence against Jews would instantly disappear. This specious assertion is nothing new. During two thousand years of pogroms, expulsions, crusades, inquisitions, boycotts and book banning, Jews were accused of bringing these disasters upon themselves. Obviously the perpetrators could not blame a Jewish State so instead they transferred guilt to Jews and their Faith. Today the roles have been reversed and it is the Jewish State and everything it stands for which is accused. The media of course will not reveal this dirty secret.
Once again the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva is obsessing over Israel. Star speaker this week was once again the PA President whose term expired many years ago. Accusing Israel of a multitude of crimes and sins the assembled hypocrites managed to avoid dealing with real violations of human rights and failed to challenge Mr. Abbas over abuses and corruption in his own back yard. Did your local media report on this in a fair and balanced manner?
These examples are just a smattering of what generally remains unpublished or swept under the media carpet.
For those who still do not understand what lies at the core of the conflict here is a brilliant item which was reported in the Gulf News.
Dubai: Authorities at Fujairah Municipality carried out a routine inspection campaign in shops recently, and were shocked to discover that controversial caps were offered at a shop.
The caps, which were available in red and blue colours, had the Star of David printed on them.
Engineer Hassan Salem Al Yamahi, director general of Dibba Fujairah Municipality, said that the inspection campaign was carried out by the Department of Public Health, which includes municipal inspectors seizing banned or harmful goods, and pulling them off the market.
So long as this sort of attitude prevails in Arab/Islamic countries the chances of peace breaking out are slim. Unfortunately most of the media and hallucinatory “peace advocates” refuse to acknowledge self evident proof. Keeping it a dirty secret seems to be preferable.
Michael Kuttner is a Jewish New Zealander who for many years was actively involved with various communal organisations connected to Judaism and Israel. He now lives in Israel and is J-Wire’s correspondent in the region.
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And Holy See signed an agreement with the PLO back in 2000…..
By Lamia Lahoud
JERUSALEM (February 15) – Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat is to meet with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican today and sign an accord to normalize relations between the PA and Roman Catholic churches in Jerusalem. Palestinian Legislative Council Speaker Ahmed Qurei told The Jerusalem Post that the agreement indicates a recognition by the Catholic Church of Palestinian claims to the city. He said the PA was lobbying international support for its claim to east Jerusalem. Emile Jarjoui, the PLO official who led talks with the Vatican, added that the agreement would “regulate the relationship between the Palestinian Authority and the Catholic churches in Jerusalem. The agreement would also state the Vatican’s position regarding Jerusalem, the peace process, and Palestinian rights.” The Vatican has called Israel’s annexation of east Jerusalem illegal and does not recognize Israeli sovereignty there. Arafat will also pay an official visit to the Italian government as part of his diplomatic campaign to gather support for Palestinian positions in the final status talks. Arafat has been lobbying for his idea of sharing undivided Jerusalem, and creating Vatican-style sovereignty in the Old City, his spokesman Nabil Abu Rudaineh said . PA officials concede privately that Israel would only accept the idea if it would keep the Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall. The PA hopes to get the Vatican’s backing for the idea. So far the Vatican and the international community have supported internationalizing the Old City, an idea which both Israel and the PA reject, Palestinian Planning Minister Nabil Shaath said. However, Qurei said, should Israel and the PA fail to reach an agreement on sharing Jerusalem, the PA would agree to create an international city in the Old City, as stated in UN Resolution 181. Shaath said the PA was waiting for Israel to come with some suggestion of sharing Jerusalem to the final status talks, but so far Israeli negotiators have not addressed the subject.