Debunking Holocaust Denial Theories…a book review by Alan Gold

May 9, 2016 by Alan Gold
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Some books are ‘must-read’. Others are ‘should read’. And a lot are ‘toss away without reading so you don’t let the facts bother you.’The Gentile father and son team of Lance and James Morcan have produced a book about the insidious, evil and growing trend of Holocaust denialism, now that we’re more than 70 years distant from the Second World War, and eye-witnesses to the greatest State-sanctioned mass murder in all of human history are growing fewer and fewer.

Holocaust-ebook-coverAnd unfortunately, this brilliant work of detailed, forensic research and analysis falls into each one of these reading categories.

It’s a ‘must-read’ for all people, but especially for the young and for descendants to be armed with true knowledge and understanding of what actually took place during the few short years of the Shoah.

It’s a ‘should read’ for everybody who knows that history repeats itself unless we learn the lessons of history.

And it’s a toss-away book for anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers, a tribe of self-deluding and self-congratulating people who never let facts get in the way of a comforting conspiracy theory.

But hopefully, many many people will turn to “Debunking Holocaust Denial Theories” as a compendium of irrefutable facts, figures, investigation and evaluation to explain why the Final Solution wasn’t a Jewish-created myth, but a hideous and perpetrated plan to exterminate Jews and other ‘sub-humans’ from the pure Aryan world which Hitler and his henchmen wanted to create.

What the Morcans decided to do was to drill down into history and show that the Holocaust was the culmination of thousands of years of antisemitism.

The reason that the Morcans have done this was to put an end, once and for all, to Holocaust denialism and to aid in the fight against antisemitism.

Regretfully, history shows us that the dark forces of irredeemable ignorance and vapid conspiracy theories will always trump the facts of what provably happened. But that mustn’t stop such stalwart approaches as the Morcans have taken to exposing the myths upon which Holocaust deniers build their allegations.

Their book was written after lengthy discussions with survivors of Hitler’s attempted genocide, as well as with academics and historians whose life-long studies have led them to certainty about what happened during those years following which Hitler and his gang of murderers took control of Europe. All the facts in the Morcans’ book have been meticulously examined and verified to build a mosaic of detail from which the clear picture of the full evil and horror of the Shoah emerges. Their evidence is eye-witness accounts, original Nazi documentation, a library of photographs, and forensic analysis by scientists and researchers, proving that the most examined crime in the entire panoply of history actually happened.

The assault of the Holocaust deniers against truth and honesty, trotted out ad nauseam in their self-indulgent, self-defined, academic conferences, falls into a number of categories.

  • They claim that the numbers are wrong, and that six million Jews weren’t murdered
  • Because there were no exhaust chimneys found in the ruins of the extermination camps, the gas chambers couldn’t have been used for death, but for fumigation purposes. They also question concentrations used in the employment of the ‘fumigant’ such as Zyklon B, claiming it wasn’t strong enough to kill a human being.
  • Hitler and the upper echelons of the Third Reich are being unnecessarily vilified because there were never any orders signed to authorize the Shoah. Indeed, all The Fuhrer wanted to do was to cause the Jews to leave Europe and resettle in other continents
  • And that these historical revisionists, masquerading as Holocaust researchers are being denied access to records because European laws discriminate against their endeavours

In every case, the Morcans debunk all of this nonsense and prove through original documentation, photos, and reports, that the deniers are creating questions where questions don’t merit the dignity of being raised; that they’re falsifying, ignoring and debasing proven facts in order to validate their nonsensical conclusions; and that the inevitable reason for their doing this is because of a hatred of Jews. Their self-righteous zeal to prove that the Holocaust never happened and that Hitler has to be absolved of blame is a transparent melange of hatred, hope and hypocrisy.

After the devastation of Europe, it’s ancient culture, its history, its peoples, it’s ways of governance, its institutions and its way of life, one surely has to ask why such Holocaust deniers are so hell-bent on proving the impossible….that the Shoah, the Death and Concentration Camps, the charnel houses, gas chambers, the ashes spread across Europe…..were all myths created by the Jewish people to support the construction of the State of Israel.

But regrettably, no matter how forensic, how detailed, accurate and incisive the Morcan father and son have been in this classical work of scientific and historical record-straightening, it will have no impact upon the deniers. They’re not, after all, interested in truth, only in the propagation of their own childish ideologies.

Yet there is some hope….that some of the majority of people who have little or no remembrance or knowledge of the Shoah…especially those who have no family relationship….will read the Morcans’ book, and learn the truth. For even if it sways one percentage of the indifferent to understand what truly happened in the Holocaust, then the Morcan’s work will have been worth while.

Debunking Holocaust Denial Theories

Two Non-Jews Affirm the Historicity of the Nazi Genocide.

by Lance and James Morcan

‘Debunking Holocaust Denial Theories’ is exclusive to Amazon and is available as a Kindle eBook via

Alan Gold is a novelist, who has been fighting Holocaust Denial for much of his life. 


4 Responses to “Debunking Holocaust Denial Theories…a book review by Alan Gold”
  1. Peter Kubicek says:

    I, too, cannot wait for a hard copy of the book. And since I live in the U.S. — where e-books are never reviewed — I am ready to give the Morcans a list of American Jewish publications which would print reviews of this important book.

  2. Henry Herzog says:

    Is the book also available in hard copy?

    • Lynne Newington says:

      Maybe too soon let’s keep our eyes open. What I did find an interesting read with a little de-bunking of it’s own was Henri Korn’s book Saviors The story of a Jewish Altar Boy and how fluidly he referred to Hitlers youth with Pope Benedict Emeritus and his minders trying to deflect his having been a member when he was young……

  3. Lynne Newington says:

    Even after the latest Eichmann story on SBS last night……
    The Eichmann Show…..
    Described as the ‘trial of the century’, the Holocaust was shown on TV in 37 countries and was the first time the horror of the death camps had been heard live directly from its victims. The trial became the world’s first ever global TV event, and this film tells the extraordinary story of the production team that overcame enormous obstacles to capture the testimony of one of the war’s most notorious Nazis.

    [Adult Themes or medical procedures, Coarse language]
    Drama | UK | English | 2015

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