Chag Sameach from Josh Burns
I want to wish all members of our Jewish community a Chag Pesach Sameach.

Josh Burns
Pesach is a time for us to reflect on when where we triumphed over adversity.
During Pesach, we celebrate our freedom, but this will be a Chag like no other, as we are not free to celebrate it with our extended families.
Freedom this year is a choice. This year we choose to stay home and protect each other.
We as a Jewish people have overcome far worse than the Coronavirus and we will get through this, as we always do, together, by looking out for each other and by staying home.
Stay safe and if you or your family need any assistance over the coming weeks, please don’t hesitate to contact my office on (03) 9534 8126or by emailing [email protected]
Josh Burns is the Federal Labor MP for the Melbourne electorate of Macnamara.