Chabad ACT rabbi welcomes new Australians
March 23, 2021 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Chair of Chabad ACT Rabbi Shmueli Feldman was the guest speaker at Harmony Week’s citizenship ceremony in Canberra.

Rabbi Shmueli Feldman
The Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke together with the Australian Department of Home Affairs hosted the ceremony in Albert Hall, Canberra to welcome some of Australia’s new citizens.
Albert Hall in Canberra has hosted the main citizenship ceremonies since the Australian citizenship act commenced.
IN addition to the Immigration Minister’s address, Rabbi Feldman gave a speech to the new citizens welcoming them as Australians.
The crowd capacity was limited to 150 due to COVID restrictions.
Rabbi Feldman has built a reputation in Canberra as a leading authority and lecturer on multiculturalism.
He reflected on his own story and gave insight into what being an Australian citizen demands including the role that multiculturalism and faith play in modern-day Australia.
Poor Rabbi Feldman… welcoming some of Australia’s new citizens with our parliament in shameful scandal.