Al-Quds Day rally: Delete Zionists

August 6, 2013 by Julie Nathan
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Palestinian and Hezbollah flags flew at the Al-Quds Day rally in Arncliffe, Sydney, last Friday…writes Julie Nathan.

Julie Nathan

Julie Nathan

Around 150 people attended, plus a police contingent of over a dozen officers.

An Israeli flag at the rally had the words “Delete Zionists” painted on the blue stripes, and the Star of David was circled and crossed out. Inciting people to “Delete Zionists” is a call not only for the destruction of Israel, but for the destruction of Israelis, and of those who support Israel and the right to self-determination of the Jewish people. It is a call for the annihilation of millions of Jews, in Israel and the diaspora. It is a call against people, not against a belief or a stat

The protestors gathered outside Arncliffe railway station and after several speeches, the crowd marched to Arncliffe Park while chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, “Down down Israel”, and “Netanyahu you will see, Palestine will be free.”

Let no-one be fooled into thinking that the protest was simply against Israel’s “occupation” of the West Bank. Designating the whole of the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, which includes Israel’s heartland, as “Palestine” is a statement against Israel’s very existence.

Father Dave Smith, of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Dulwich Hill, addressed the crowd in the park, most of them Shia Muslims from the nearby Arncliffe mosque. He stated that “the greatest crime ongoing in the world today is the oppression of the Palestinian people. From 1948 until now, the Palestinian occupation continues. How has humanity allowed this injustice to go on for so long? The injustice of the Palestinian occupation stains the whole world with the blood of the innocent… We call on governments to remove this stain.”

DSC00442 Just listen to his words:  “the greatest crime ongoing in the world”, “from 1948 until now”, “this stain”. He was saying that all of Israel, not the West Bank, is an “occupation”, a “crime”, a “stain”. He was inciting people to hate and destroy Israel. Yet he began his speech by saying that he did not agree with those calling for Israel’s destruction. That sentiment rings hollow in light of his subsequent rhetoric.

The MC for the event demanded “We want the Zionists out of Muslim lands. If it wasn’t for the USA, Israel would not last a day.” A female speaker referred to genocide being committed against the Palestinians.

Jamal Daoud, an organizer of the rally, lamented that the Arab Spring and the Syrian civil war had “shifted the focus from the Palestinians.”

Several Shia sheiks addressed the crowd. Sheikh Nami Farhat al-Ameli called on “humanity to stand against the evil Zionist regime and big devil America.”

priestTim Anderson, another speaker, said that “imperialism has its tools, and Israel is one of those tools.”

This was the second year that an Al-Quds Day rally has been held in Australia, both times in Sydney. This year saw the first rally held in Melbourne. An early video of the Melbourne protest was embedded with the antisemitic imagery of a Jew eating a gentile child.

Al-Quds Day was inaugurated by Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran in 1979 as a call for international protests against Israel and to promote the Muslim rule of Jerusalem.

The Al-Quds Day committee Australia stated on its facebook page in July that “Al-Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem, which along with all of Palestine is under occupation by the Zionist Regime.” In 2012 this Committee called “Israel, the enemy of mankind, the enemy of humanity…”

A few days before the rally last week, the Committee made a bizarre accusation: “this year the Zionists have left the job of trying to sabotage the rally to organisation/s that claim to be pro-Palestinians” and of “plots to sabotage the movement.”

It is unclear what they are referring to, but perhaps it fits in with Iranian leaders who see “Zionist plots” anywhere and everywhere, even under the bed, and apparently too even in the Sydney suburb of Arncliffe.

Julie Nathan is the Research Officer for the Executive Council of Australian Jewry



14 Responses to “Al-Quds Day rally: Delete Zionists”
  1. Sam says:

    To Gil Solomon and Anthony

    Can you not see that Otto Waldmann is being sarcastic, which does not translate into the written word? He should state he is being sarcastic.

  2. Victor says:

    These speaches of hatred are criminal offences. Does Australian law allow such events go unpunished? Why not to assign the matter to its real significance? It was a criminal offence against the Australian multinational society trying to destroy the traditional atmosphere of tolerance in our country. Jewish Board of Deputies, please do not keep silence!!!

  3. Victor says:

    These speaches of hatred are criminal offences. Does Australian law allow such events go unpunished? Why not to assign the matter to its real significance? It was a criminal offence against the Australian multinational society trying to destroy the traditional atmosphere of tolerance in our country. Jewish Board of Deputies, please do not keep silence!!!

  4. Sabra says:

    hi Otto,
    I read your comments with bemusement, not knowing whether you’re for real or not, or whether Otto Waldmann is even your real name. I *think* you’re a Jew as you know a heck of a lot about it (though what is a zinc table?) but some of your remarks seem to be anti-semitic, and certainly anti-Israel .. so where do you stand .. and who the hell are you?

    • Otto Waldmann says:

      ……not tellinya.

      to be continued………..

      • Sabra says:


        • Otto Waldmann says:


          could you, please do us a favor and reply Gil Solomon to his last posting addressed to me. I trust you to clarify the “issue”. Sorry ( not quite ) , but I am having my own session of “LOL” and cannot – or don’t want to – stop it.

  5. steve says:

    Why does the Government allow these terrorists to spout such vitriol in free Australia.
    I call on our state and Federal politians to outlaw such racist hate speech.
    The video of these speeches needs to be assessed by the Federal. Police in order to prosecute thosse who have incited hatred.

  6. Otto Waldmann says:

    Not true, this is Zionist propaganda of the worst kind.
    Jews and muslims, AND Anglicans live in perfect harmony in Sydney, at least.
    I hve pictures to prove it, some of the best right here in the Jwire archives.
    I can show you smiling ear to ear Jews ( some of the smiles go from one’s ear to another’s ear, that big !! ), Communal leaders leading the way ( not quite sure in what direction ), kitchens of communal fraternity, or better said, sorority, some even with bearded Rabbi also smiling, cooking, being photographed etc. with muslims, Anglicans, whatever. I can show more evidence of inter-faith:
    – get togethers
    – get happy
    – get cooking – AGAIN
    – get smiling – another AGAIN
    – get anything that comes to mind

    and , if you don’t believe me, just ask me mate Paul Winter who knows everything about our affection for our BROTHERS, as in ” Brother can you give me a dime / To arm up our Palestine “. You’ll find Paul all over here at Jwire getting really energized by these fraternal feasts – or should I say “fists”…

    does Mr Vic know that you are misleading us !!!

    • Anthony says:

      Dear Mr Otto Waldmann,
      The story above is 100% true sorry to inform you.
      as was the recent violent demonstrations through Pitt St Sydney- well documented and recorded and broadcast on National television news agencies- you may recall?
      This was a riot where by innocent bystanders, Police and shops were unnecessarily defaced, smashed destroyed or attacked. Very Similar fanatic Muslim crowd of anti social, anti Semitic and violent thugs attended.
      Perhaps next time you claim something is untrue- Go to Arncliffe and tell these radical Muslims and Palestinians that you are Jewish and you would like to “get happy” and “get cooking”… I wonder if you get laughed at, killed and cooked?

      Be vigilant – this story above by Ms Julie Nathan is true and its happening more and more around the world including right here in Sydney Australia. Its ok to want to be peaceful and want to extend peace, but at the same time we should be aware of the very real threats in our local community and the very real violence that can quickly escalate as a result of a bad crowd being whipped into a frenzy of hate.
      and I’m sure Mr Vic is well aware.
      Have a safe night.
      Anthony S

      • Otto Waldmann says:

        No, no and no, dear Mr. Anthony !

        I refuse to believe that we, as one Australian nation, regardless of any so called “differences”, do not live freely in a democratic, civilized country.
        You don’t know me, I assume. but only a few years ago, when my son, Felix Emil, ( Felix from Felix Mendelsohn and Emil from Emil Zola ) was going to Sydney Grammar I took him in my yellow Merc. to downtown Lakemba shopping Centre. Lovely people on the street, shopkeepers standing in front of their shops, some slightly obese, giving long looks to my colourful vehicle, I would slow down and wave to them with wink as in “g’day habbibi ” they would reply, slightly bemused bcs they haven’t seen me before, but happy to see yet another “brother” on THEIR streets ( I have these dashing ME complexion, moustache included ). I was AT HOME !!! Got out of the car, went into a newsagency picked up a newspaper in Arabic, looked at it for a short while, nodded my head as in ” gees I didn’t know that !!”. At that point my son, jolted me painfully in the ribs, called me a “f….n’ idiot ” and went across the road to my locked car. To pay him back, I slowed down and from across the street pushed forward my stomach, raised my right arm in a gesture of unchallengeable authority and yelled at him :
        ” Ahmed !!!”. That shut him bloody up, and also made me the darling of the mall.
        So, I am at home anywhere. Sorry Mr. Anthony, but Mr. Vic knows me well and has always agreed with me that I am the quintessence on Yidishkeit. On occasions he even asks me for professional advice. Only today he sent me an email asking me to make him a zinc table. And you know what, I may even make him one, even though he is , in fact of Sephardi origin and the word Yidishkeit is Ahskenazi. See how we blend together ! In my next message I shall use the Ladino for “blender”. What more can a bloke do in a free and harmonious Australia !!

        Henry pls don’t let me down, I put a lot of effort and even more words than usual into this one !!

      • Gil Solomon says:


        The problem with many Jews is that they attend meetings organised by Jewish groups with certain representatives of the Muslim community, like the recent JCCV comedy night or the ongoing farce known as the inter-faith dialogue the Jewish Board of Deputies conducts with Muslims on a regular basis.

        While there may be moderate Muslims around, the religion of Islam is not and never will be moderate in its views towards Jews or Israel.

        The demonstration which Julie refers is a true representation of Islam and it sickens me that Jews of all people, after all we’ve endured throughout the centuries, still will not take at face value the opinions of those who clearly state they want us dead.

        Maybe some Jews are afflicted with a suicidal gene in their DNA.

        I say it’s time the Jewish world as a whole woke up out of its coma and faced reality.

        • Otto Waldmann says:

          ….no Gil, IT DOES NOT !!!

          Otto Waldmann

          Gil, you would the first financial adviser/accountant to make me laugh……….

          • Gil Solomon says:


            Seems that you prefer living in a fantasy world of your own making rather than face reality.

            It pains me to say this but your recent posts are becoming more bizarre with each reply you make. They have no political leaning or even represent any logical assessment and as such make you look at best, confused.

            Maybe in future you should have someone close to you proof read what you write before you click on that “Submit” button.

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