Young blood keen to become involved in NSW community
Ninety-six members of the NSW Jewish community are vying for 70 positions as Elected Deputies of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies for the next two years with almost a quarter of the nominees are under the age of 30.

The NSWJBD plenum in session
They represent a rare wide selection of community members – from those running for election for the first time in their 20s to community stalwarts hoping to be re-elected to the position they have held for years or even decades.
Making up the diverse pool are 56 male and 40 female candidates. There are individuals with roots in Australia for decades, as well as new arrivals from both overseas and interstate.
Candidates come from both the private and not-for-profit sectors and include individuals who have been hand-picked to complete leadership and management programs, bringing to the election a diverse range of skills which will allow the Board of Deputies to draw on the skills and knowledge of many outstanding and talented members of our community.
This year’s nominees offer a wide range of skills, including digital media, marketing, HR, banking, teaching, legal, medical, accounting, communal roles, politics, activism and many others.
The Board of Deputies represents all Jews in NSW and the wide range of people putting their hands up for election illustrates that.
Every two years the Board of Deputies calls for nominations for Elected Deputies from among their membership base. Once elected, Deputies play a key role in the direction which the organisation takes, voting on policy and having a voice in the decision-making process for the benefit of our community.
Nominations closed on June 16 and voting will close on July 10. The results will be announced at the Board of Deputies plenum on July 16.