Yoni wins Diaspora Bible Quiz in Israel

May 20, 2022 by Emily Gian
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The winner of the National Bible Quiz in Australia, Yoni Moss, and runner up Yehonatan Shroot, both of Leibler Yavneh College in Victoria, have travelled to Israel to participate in a training camp and fight for a spot in the final.

Yoni Moss with President Isaac Herzog

Yoni Moss not only advanced to the Diaspora Bible Quiz with eleven other participants from countries such as Argentina, Germany, Brazil, France, South Africa, and Panama, but he was the equal winner alongside Liela Silbiger from Canada. The nail-biting Diaspora Bible Quiz took place in the Jerusalem Theatre on Yom Ha’Atzmaut and was broadcast live on the Ministry of Education’s Facebook page.

The Bible Camp is a fun, intensive and unique experience in itself, attended by dozens of representatives from Jewish communities worldwide. It is an educational and social camp where participants learn about the Bible and then have the opportunity to explore and tour Israel. The Zionist Federation of Australia’s Education Chair Miriam Munz said: “There is something incredibly special about the experience of the training camp – being able to see first-hand the places and landmarks that they studied so hard about – which just cannot be replicated remotely. The combination of learning about the ancient story of Israel and celebrating it on the modern-day of Independence is always a wonderful experience for our Australian participants.”

Yehonatan Shroot and Yoni Moss at Ben-Gurion Airpot

She added: “I send a hearty Mazal Tov to Yoni Moss on winning the competition and commend Yehonatan Shroot as well for his efforts. Both young men were worthy participants representing the Australian Jewish community in Israel and have certainly brought a tremendous amount of pride to their school, community, and families.”

Still riding the high after winning the Diaspora competition, Yoni Moss said, “Participating in the Bible Quiz was an amazing, once in a lifetime experience. I really enjoyed making friends with like-minded kids from around the world, and it was extra special to be able to do this while travelling around Israel for the first time.”

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