Yeshivah Centre to be reassessed on Sunday
Melbourne’s Yeshivah Centre including services and the Mikvah will be closed until Sunday when the situation will be considered following Coronvirus being detected in staff member returning from the U.S.

Yeshivah Centre
After consultation between the Rabbonim, CIVL and YBRSL Boards, Shule Representatives and Heads of Moisdos, the decision has been made to keep the Yeshivah Centre closed until Sunday inclusive. The Boards will reconvene on Sunday and provide updates as to any decisions relating to next week.
In an email to staff members, Dr Shimon Waronker, the principal of Yeshivah–Beth Rivkah Colleges and CIVL Board Member Peretz Schapiro wrote: “This decision has been made as a precautionary and preventative measure in order to protect the Yeshivah and wider community and help slow down the spread of the virus. At this stage we do not have additional confirmed cases, however we do still have members of our community awaiting results. We therefore believe that remaining closed is the most responsible measure to take at this stage.
The result of this decision is that there will be no minyonim held at Yeshivah Centre until further notice. This closure also includes the Mikvah. Shules are putting into place their contingency plans and will communicate those plans throughout the day with their congregants. If you have any questions, please call your Rabbi.
Further updates will be sent on Sunday regarding the measures being taken for next week.
We understand that we are currently in unchartered waters and we continue to thank you for your continued support and achdus. Whilst the decision to close over Shabbos has been a difficult one, and not one that was taken lightly, our focus remains on the safety and well-being of our community and the community at large. The more we can contain the spread of the virus, the greater the assistance we provide to our health system. Social distancing is one of the strongest messages we have been receiving from DHHS and we will continue to be guided by the health and our Rabbinic authorities in regards to the best measures we, as a community, can take to assist the containment of COVID-19.”