World Jewish Congress condemns attack celebrations

June 10, 2016 by J-Wire Staff
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World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder has condemned the terrorist attack on Wednesday night in Tel Aviv, in which four people were killed and more than a dozen injured.

Ronald S. Lauder

Ronald S. Lauder

“The Jewish world is shocked about what happened last night in Israel. Our hearts go out to the victims and their families, and to the people of Israel,” Lauder declared. He expressed “shock and dismay” about the fact that Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups celebrated the attack with fireworks.

At least four people were killed in the attack Wednesday night at the Sarona Market shopping complex, and another 16 were wounded. On Thursday morning, a statement by Hamas, which runs the Gaza Strip, said that the two gunmen were members of the organization.

The attackers were caught after fleeing the scene, one having been shot and seriously wounded by a security guard. Hamas declared the attack was a response to alleged Israeli “violations” on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Ronald S. Lauder called on Palestinian President Abbas to condemn the attack and to abandon plans for a Palestinian unity government with Hamas “and any other group that applauds such vicious acts.

“Hamas and others are celebrating the bloodshed. It’s become clear once again that they are a terror group, and not a partner for peace.

“It’s high time that responsible Palestinian leaders stand up and stop the glorification of terror and murder. The pictures of large numbers of people celebrating callous acts of murder on the streets of Ramallah and Gaza City are revolting, and they show that something is fundamentally flawed in Palestinian society,” said Lauder.

The WJC president added: “Just as there cannot be any justification for terrorist acts in Paris, Brussels or Tel Aviv, there must be no cooperation with terrorists. They must be fought and defeated, not courted.”

The executive director of The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council Dr Colin Rubenstein says AIJAC mourns the four victims of the murderous attack at Tel Aviv’s Sarona Market on Wednesday and joins prayers for the full and speedy recovery of the wounded.

He added: “We condemn in the strongest terms this senseless act of terror against innocent victims who were simply dining at a cafe – murdered merely because they were Israeli Jews. We condemn the apparent involvement of Hamas in this attack and their ongoing efforts to organise and encourage terrorist violence, but remind all people of good will that incitement in the official Palestinian Authority (PA) media also likely contributed to inspiring this heinous attack.

 It is worth remembering, following the last major terror attacks, in Tel Aviv on March 8, and the bus bombing in Jerusalem on April 18, that the perpetrators were repeatedly represented in Palestinian media and by representatives of PA President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Party as “martyrs” and heroes.

The sort of violence that we witnessed this week – and the incitement which breeds it – are amongst the most important reasons that genuine Israeli-Palestinian co-existence and progress towards peace remain so elusive.

The Anti-Defamation Commission’s Dr Dvir Abramovich said:  “There are no words to describe how heartbroken and outraged we are by the murderous and senseless terrorist attack in Tel Aviv that left three Israelis dead and many others wounded. It once again shows that the enemies of Israel know no bounds in their bloodlust. Our prayers and thoughts are with the families of the victims whose lives have been scarred forever, and we  wish the wounded a full and speedy recovery.

This sickening attack is a result of the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish incitement so prevalent in Palestinian society which glorifies and celebrates terrorists and violence.  We call on the Australian government and governments worldwide to swiftly and unambiguously stand together against those who would support the perpetuation of such an evil act and to demand that the leadership of the Palestinian Authority stop the ongoing incitement against Israel. As we offer our support to the people of Israel in their time of grief and mourning,  the ADC stands in solidarity with the government of Israel as it acts to ensure the safety of its citizens.”

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