Workshops on safety for children

May 12, 2013 by  
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Tzedek, a not-for-profit organisation which advocates for Jewish victims and survivors of childhood sexual abuse, is to launch its first public workshop for the Melbourne Jewish community on parenting safe children.
TzedekThe workshops will be presented by Sandra Ifrah, a registered psychologist who specialises in working with children and adolescent survivors of sexual abuse. Ms Ifrah, who holds a masters degree in educational and developmental psychology, is currently employed at the Centre Against Sexual Assault.

Topics to be covered include:

Communicating with your children
Signs of sexual abuse
Body safety rules
Age appropriate sexual behaviour

Two workshops limited to 35 participants each will be held on Sunday 19 May at The White House, 11 Princess Street, St Kilda from 11am-1.30pm and 2pm-4.30pm. The workshops are free but bookings are essential. Email to confirm your place.

If the two workshops are booked out we will arrange another workshop during the evening on the same day. Please feel free to email us to indicate your interest in an evening workshop.

Lauren Gabriel, Tzedek Events Coordinator, said: “As a parent I have always felt helpless in this area and don’t believe I could ever know enough about keeping my children safe. It astounds me how many people still blame the victim. Children are not able to prevent abuse on their own nor should they be expected to.

“The workshop by Sandra Ifrah will empower parents to protect their children. Sandra is wonderful and comes with a wealth of experience in victim advocacy and school and parent education. We believe strongly in all facets of the community working together and have invited the Jewish Taskforce, JCCV, parents of Jewish Day schools and UJEB to publicise this workshop and to attend.”



2 Responses to “Workshops on safety for children”
  1. Lauren Gabriel says:

    Many thanks Esther

    The demand for more workshops has been incredible so we will run again and look at an evening time as an option.

  2. Esther Oliver says:

    An excellent initiative. I cannot make this date but wld love I see it running at a different date also. Thanks, Tzedek.

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