WJC criticises the U.N. – Australian Labor Party supports U.N. call for ceasefire

July 14, 2014 Agencies
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The World Jewish Congress has criticised the United Nations Security Council and senior UN officials for failing to recognise Israel’s right to self-defense under the UN Charter against armed attacks against its territory and population.

Ronald S. Lauder

Ronald S. Lauder

“It is once again troubling and shameful to see how the UN and many other governments are failing to grasp the fact that Israel is responding to an armed aggression launched against its territory by Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip,” said WJC President Ronald S. Lauder in response to Saturday’s Security Council statement and comments by UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay which questioned the legality of Israel’s action in the Gaza Strip and suggested that Israel was deliberately killing civilians in Gaza.

Lauder welcomed the Canadian government’s rejection of Pillay’s comments, which Foreign Minister John Baird had said was an “uncalled-for criticism of Israel”. The WJC president declared: “Canada has once again proven to be a real friend and one of the Jewish state’s closest allies. To put Hamas – a recognised terror organisation – and the State of Israel on the same level and then to blame Israel for causing the death of civilians that Hamas deliberately uses as human shields is a way of saying that Hamas’ actions are justified.

“Contrary to what Mrs. Pillay claims, the Israel military is taken extraordinary steps to prevent civilian casualties whereas Hamas is cynically seeking as many civilian casualties as possible. It is time for the UN and its leading officials to show some moral backbone, to uphold the principles enshrined in the UN Charter, and to hold Israel to the same standards than any other country battling this sort of existential threat,” he added.


Tanya Plibersek

Tanya Plibersek

A few days ago, Lauder wrote a letter to UN ambassadors, EU foreign ministers, and others, telling them: “If it were your cities under attack, we know you would agree that a sovereign government has a duty to defend its citizens.”

The WJC president also criticized the UN Security Council statement on the conflict, saying: “Once again, the council failed to name the cause of this conflict, or to condemn Hamas’ actions. The UN, instead of defending the values on which the organization was founded seven decades ago, continues to blame Israel for everything and is silent on terror groups such as Hamas.”

Meanwhile Australian Shadow Foreign Minister Tanya Plibersek has voiced support with the United Nations call for a ceasefire

In a statement issued today she says: “Labor urges calm and supports the calls of the UN Security Council for a ceasefire.

We encourage all parties to do everything they can to stop violence and de-escalate tensions, to end the deaths and the human suffering.

Labor is committed to supporting an enduring peace for Israelis and Palestinians through a just two-state solution.”


One Response to “WJC criticises the U.N. – Australian Labor Party supports U.N. call for ceasefire”
  1. Karl says:

    Conflict continues throughout the world. As long as solutions aresought by means of political and military powers the end results will in the majority of cases be continued seb senseless deaths and short lived periods of ceasefire. When any solutions are left with those who have or seek power and or wealth. Peace is far from reality.
    Citizens, countryman is the only true path to resolution. No person wishes children, women or even death for themselves. I know in my heart and the very fiber of my being. The people must ban together and say enough is enough. Do not let the power hungry or military complex continue to perpetuate these conflicts. No longer accept and believe the propagandist whose soul mission is to fuel hatreds. Look into your enemies eyes and you may see his wants are much the same as yours.

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