Well not quite Good Night…more like Good Evening!

March 25, 2013 by Henry Benjamin
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There has been an overwhelming response from our readership requesting that J-Wire stay alive and so it might.

Just because I want to take it easy does not mean that the service should come to an end.

In the hope that there is someone out there willing to take it over, let me say that J-Wire is for sale….to the right person at the right price.

In the meantime, I will keep it going,  publishing limited posts during the interim period. It could continue if we could afford staff but for that we would have to substantially increase revenues…so if you know anyone with a few spare hours willing to sell advertising on the site then that just might make the difference needed. You can let me know on [email protected]. There will be remuneration.

I would also appreciate all the organisations we have supported telling their databases about J-Wire. An increase in the number of our subscribers would be a help too.

The door is just slightly ajar…

Once again Chag Sameach and have joyful Seder………


7 Responses to “Well not quite Good Night…more like Good Evening!”
  1. Paul Winter says:

    Henry, permit me to add my appreciation of your decision to keep J-Wire alive, even if in a reduced form.

    J-Wire is community asset, and while the advertising revenue is less than you would have hoped for, the discontinuation of J-Wire would leave our community very much poorer.

    We all need to don our thinking caps to advertise J-Wire and to find advertisers for it.

    Chag Sameach

  2. Michael says:

    Perhaps our Jewish communal organizations can spend less of their valuable time and limited funds
    with useless interfaith ventures and get behind JWire



    • Shirlee says:


      Pinch yourself and wake up. It ain’t gonna happen!

      It’s more important to have Jewish and Muslim women cooking together. You know that.

      The most exciting part of that is when a Muslim woman feels secure enough to remove her hijab and an Orthodox woman removes her sheitel.

      My goodness the excitement is breathtaking.

      Big deal!! No men are present and so it is fully acceptable in the presence of women.

  3. david says:

    Regrettably the communal organizations in Australia and New Zealand do not realise what a valuable resource they have in JWire.

    They need to support it by advertising their activities on a regular basis.

    As a committee member of AFASI (Australians for a secure Israel) – we have advertised our functions only on JWire and have had excellent attendances.

    As a regular contributor to JWire I can attest that JWire’s reach internationally on Google is truly amazing.

    Hope you can overcome your present hiccough and keep JWire going.

  4. Liat Nagar says:

    That’s great to hear. Presently, the idea of being without JWire leaves me feeling flat, and I realise the importance it holds for me.
    Chag Sameach, Henry.

  5. Jill says:

    This is such good news Henry! I would really miss my daily dose of J-Wire! I do hope someone comes forward soon. Pesach Sameach to you and family and enjoy your Seder.

  6. Sheldon says:


    “Chag Sameach ”

    Fantastic news that you’ve had overwhelming response from your readership.

    There has to be someone in the community who can make a difference to ensure J-Wire stays live!!


    Sheldon Pozniak

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